100-890 CLTECH Exam Questions - Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices
Are you ready to pass 100-890 Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices exam? PassQuestion new released 100-890 CLTECH Exam Questions to help you best prepare for your exam, it will give you a clear idea of the real exam scenario so you can make things easier for yourself. You can operate the 100-890 CLTECH Exam Questions in different modes so you can improve your preparation and clear the Cisco 100-890 exam on the first attempt. If you are using our 100-890 CLTECH Exam Questions, then it will become a lot easier for you to prepare for the exam. Make sure that you are going through our 100-890 CLTECH Exam Questions multiple times so you can ensure your success in the exam.
100-890 CLTECH Exam Description: Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices
The Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices v1.0 (CLTECH 100-890) is a 90-minute exam associated with Cisco Certified Technician Collaboration certification. Cisco Certified Technician Collaboration certification focuses on the skills required for onsite support and maintenance of Cisco collaboration endpoints and operating environments. Technicians in this area can identify Cisco collaboration endpoint models, accessories, cabling, and interfaces; understand the Cisco collaboration software and identify commonly found software; and use the Cisco Command Line Interface (CLI) to connect and service products.
Exam Information
Exam Code: 100-890 CLTECH
Exam Name:Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices
Duration: 90 minutes
Languages: English
Price: $125 USD
Exam Topics
1.0 Collaboration Environment 35%
1.1 Describe the VOIP infrastructure
1.2 Describe Cisco converged networks
1.3 Introduce Cisco Collaboration Technology and Solutions
1.4 Introduce Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM)
1.5 Introduce Cisco Meeting Server and TelePresence Management Suite
2.0 Cisco Collaboration Endpoints Equipment and Hardware 20%
2.1 Identify Cisco Webex Desktop Series (DX70, DX80, DeskPro) Hardware Components
2.2 Identify Cisco Webex Board (70, 70S, 85S) Hardware Components
2.3 Identifying Cisco Webex Room Kit (USB, Kit, Kit Mini, Kit Plus, Kit Pro) System Hardware Components
2.4 Identify Cisco Webex Room 55 (Single & Dual)/70 G2 Hardware Components
2.5 Identify Cisco Webex Room Panorama (70, 70D) Immersive System Hardware Components
2.6 Identifying Cisco MX (200 G2, 300 G2, 700, 800)/, SX (10, 20) Quick Set and SX80 Codec
2.7 Identify Cisco TelePresence IX-5000 Hardware Components
2.8 Identify Cisco Collaboration Peripherals hardware
3.0 Service Knowledge 45%
3.1 Describe common network tools used with Data, Video and Voice infrastructures
3.2 Identify service-related tasks specific to Cisco Collaboration Products
3.3 Identify service-related tasks specific to Cisco IP Phones
3.4 Replace hardware due to failure or upgrade
View Online Supporting Cisco Collaboration Devices 100-890 CLTECH Free Questions
When completing the remedial procedures on the Cisco Webex DX80. an option key is required (or activating optional functionality such as MultiSite Which two types of information does the customer administrator need to transfer the license and generate the option key? (Choose two)
A.DX80 part number
B.customer license account number
C.Current option key
D.serial numbers of the new DX80 and the replaced DX80
E.RMA number
Answer:C, D
What does the status LED abound the power button on the DX80 mean when it repeatedly flashes twice?
A.standby mode
B.incoming call
C.no network connection
D.normal operation
Which Collaboration Room system is recommended for more than 14 people?
A.Cisco Webex Room Kit
B.Cisco Webex Room Kit Pro
C.Cisco Webex Room USB
D.Cisco Webex Room Kit Plus
E.Cisco Webex Room Kit Mini
Which Collaboration Room system requires another device to make audio or video calls?
A.Cisco Webex Room Kit Mini
B.Cisco Webex Room Kit Pro
C.Cisco Webex Room USB
D.Cisco Webex Room Kit
E.Cisco Webex Room Kit Plus
How can the IP address of the Cisco Webex Room 70D system be found?
A.On the Touch 10 controller screen tap System Name In the upper-left comer and tap Configurations followed by Network
B.On the Touch 10 controller screen, tap System Name m the upper-left comer and tap Settings followed by About this device.
C.On the Touch 10 controller screen, tap Setup in the upper-left comer and tap Settings followed by About this device
D.On the Touch 10 controller screen tap Setup in the upper-left comer and tap Configurations followed by Network
Which two devices can provide a Cisco IP phone the network connection and power necessary for the phone to function in the IP telephony network? (Choose two )
A.IP phone power adapter with Ethernet port
B.Cisco Unified Communications Manager PoE port
C.Cisco TelePresence codec
D.Cisco Voice Gateway PoE port
E.Cisco Catalyst PoE switch
Answer:D, E
What provides the coding and decoding translation between analog and digital facilities?
Which screen size does the Cisco DX80 offer?
A.12-inch 16:9
B.14-inch 16:9
C.23-inch 16:9
D.27-inch 4K
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