2018 New Azure Administrator AZ-100 and AZ-101 Exams
Latest News, Microsoft Azure 70-533 exam has been replaced by AZ-100 and AZ-101 exam to get Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate certification. You can get the latest Microsoft Azure AZ-100 and AZ-101 practice test questions from Passquestion to best prepare for your test. we ensure you can pass your Azure Administrator certification successfully.
Microsoft Azure Administrator path - AZ-100,AZ-101 and AZ-102
Microsoft Azure AZ-100 exam is the replacement of the Microsoft Azure 70-533 exam, that will be retired on December 31, 2018. AZ-101 is also a replacement of the Microsoft Azure 70-533 exam. It means, after December 31, 2018, you will have to take AZ-100 and AZ-101 exams instead of Microsoft Azure 70-533 exam to get Azure Administrator Associate certification and validate your skills on Azure Administrator role.
Also, Microsoft Azure AZ-102 exam is a transition exam for Microsoft Azure 70-533 exam. If you have already passed Exam 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions, then you need to take the AZ-102 exam, which will retire on June 30, 2019. Note that if you haven’t already passed Microsoft Azure 70-533 exam, you won’t earn Azure Administrator Associate certification with AZ-102 exam alone.
Microsoft has recently released the new Azure Administrator Certification which now requires you to pass the AZ-100 and AZ-101 exams. As such, we have released the AZ-100 Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Deployment and AZ-101 Microsoft Azure Integration and Security to get you started on your journey to certification. Be one of the first to pass the exam.
Microsoft Azure AZ-100 exam measures and validates the ability of a candidate to perform the following tasks:
Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15-20%)
Implement and manage storage (20-25%)
Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (20-25%)
Configure and manage virtual networks (20-25%)
Manage identities (15-20%)
Microsoft Azure AZ-101 exam measures and validates the ability of a candidate to perform the following tasks:
Evaluate and perform server migration to Azure (15-20%)
Implement and manage application services (20-25%)
Implement advanced virtual networking (30-35%)
Secure identities (25-30%)
If you are preparing for Microsoft AZ-100 and AZ-101 exam, it is recommended to take Passquestion Microsoft Azure AZ-100 and AZ-101 practice test questions to check your current level of preparation. With the test reports, you will find out your weak areas and thus, will be able to work on them for the improvement. You can also try Microsoft Azure AZ-100 and AZ-101 free test before taking full-length practice tests.
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