70-535丨How to learn microsoft 70-535?
70-535 Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions exam is chosen by more and more candidates, Passquestion offers you the latest Microsoft Azure 70-535 questions and answers to help you best prepare for your test, you will get well practiced and feel confident to pass your 70-535 exam in your first attempt.
At the moment, the further development of the cloud market has brought more development opportunities to the winners of Microsoft Azure certification. Not only are there more and more choices of positions, but also the salary is getting better and better, and its professional status is getting higher and higher, and the industry prospects are getting better. So how do we go to learn microsoft 70-535?
1. What basic knowledge do I need before learning microsoft 70-535?
1), Create resources and resource group in Azure.
2), Manage containers and blobs stored in an Azure Storage account.
3), Configure an Azure Virtual Network and enable S2S and P2S connectivity.
4), Manage users, groups, and subscriptions in an Azure Active Directory instance.
5), Build an Azure Virtual Machine with related resources.
6), Protect networked application components using Network Security Groups.
7), Create App Service Plans and manage apps related to the plan.
8), Deploy an Azure SQL, MySQL, Postgres or Cosmos database instance.
9), Automate everyday Azure resource tasks using Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell.
10), Monitor existing Azure solutions using built-in metrics, Application Insights, or Operational Insights.
It is not difficult to see from the above requirements: learn microsoft 70-535 needs to have a certain foundation, and learn microsoft 70-535 will certainly have some difficulty.
In general, the target audience for microsoft 70-535 is an IT professional with knowledge of Microsoft Azure solutions. As a result, IT professionals who are familiar with Azure services and features and can make effective decisions for designing public and hybrid cloud applications are best suited for this certification. Generally speaking, it is mainly a software architect or a solution architect.
2. What is the first step of learn microsoft 70-535 after having the relevant basic knowledge?
The most basic and most important of any certification exam is the Examination Guide for this certification exam. The Microsoft 70-535 certification is no exception. So, the first step in our learn microsoft 70-535 is to learn the microsoft 70-535 Examination Guide.
Microsoft 70-535 Examination Guide :
1), Design Compute Infrastructure (20-25%)
2), Design Data Implementation (15-20%)
3), Design Networking Implementation (15-20%)
4), Design Security and Identity Solutions (20-25%)
5), Design Solutions by using Platform Services (10-15%)
6), Design for Operations (10-15%)
Why is the microsoft 70-535 Examination Guide important? Because this is officially launched by microsoft certification, the most authoritative. Through the study of the microsoft 70-535 Examination Guide, we can basically plan the focus of learn microsoft 70-535 and draw up a corresponding study plan. Planned learning allows us to more rationally allocate the learning time and energy we need to invest in more efficient learning.
3. After learning the microsoft 70-535 Examination Guide, How to learn microsoft 70-535?
Passquestion 70-535 questions and answers
This is the most effective guarantee for us to successfully pass the Microsoft 70-535 certification exam. If you feel that you have difficulty controlling your nervousness during the exam; if you feel that you are always careless when you are doing the problem; if you have enough Microsoft 70-535 knowledge and skills, you still can't make sure you can successfully pass Microsoft. 70-535 certification exam. Then, downloading Passquestion 70-535 questions and answers is an essential part of your exam. With the help of Passquestion 70-535 questions and answers, you will definitely pass the Microsoft 70-535 certification exam.
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