AD0-300 Practice Test Questions - Adobe Campaign Business Practitioner
Preparing for AD0-300 Adobe Campaign Business Practitioner Exam? To pass your Adobe AD0-300 exam successfully, you should not only master the exam basic information and skills, but also study Passquestion Adobe AD0-300 Practice Test Questions, it will help you pass your Adobe Certified Expert AD0-300 Certification exam easily in your first attempt.
How is the Campaign Business Practitioner Exam Structured?
Exam name: Adobe Campaign Business Practitioner
Exam number: AD0-300
Number of questions: 54
Time limit: 85 minutes
Passing score: All Adobe exams are reported on a scale of 300 to 700. The passing score for each exam is 550.
Exam cost: $180 (US Dollars)
Our exams are delivered worldwide by PSI.
AD0-300 Exam Topics - Adobe Campaign Business Practitioner exam
Campaign Management
Workflow Management
Data Management
Delivery Management
What training is available to help you prepare for the exam?
You are not required to complete training before taking the exam; however, training cansignificantly increase your knowledge of and skills with Adobe Campaign. It is important to note that training alone will not provide you with the knowledge and skills required to pass an exam. Successful,on-the-job experience is critical to providing you the knowledge needed to pass the exam.
Download Adobe AD0-300 Practice Test Questions For Reference:
1.A campaign business practitioner needs to build an A/B test email campaign for two different promotions. By the theme that generates the most website visits.
Which email metric indicates the winning promotion theme?
A. Highest Click through rate
B. Lowest unsubsubscribe rate
C. Highest open rate
D. Lowest activity rate
Answer: A
2.Which best practice should a user take to move an improperly placed campaign into the correct program folder?
A. Rename the improper program location to the appropriate program
B. Recreate the campaign in correct program
C. Select the correct program dropdown in the campaign edit tab
D. Click and drag the campaign into the appropriate program
Answer: C
3.A user is assigned to the administrator group (which has full access) and a developer access (which has restricted access).
What is the result?
A. Based on administrator access, the user does NOT have any limitations
B. The user is unable to perform any tasks in the instance until the contradiction is fixed
C. An error is produced because this is NOT a compatible configuration
D. The user is limited to the rights granted to the Developer group
Answer: A
4.In which three execution status states can a campaign business practitioner start a workflow? (Choose three.)
A. Finished
B. Being Edited
C. Paused
D. Error
Answer: ABC
5.For which reason does a fork activity produce an error?
A. The fork has no inbound transition
B. The fork’s outbound transition are out of sequence
C. The fork has an inbound transition that has zero results
D. The fork’s outbound transition has no connected activity
Answer: D
6.What three file formats are available when exporting data via a data extraction from adobe campaign? (Choose three.)
Answer: BDE
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