AD0-E134 Practice Test Questions - Adobe Experience Manager Developer Exam
If you are looking to become an Adobe Experience Manager Developer, taking the AD0-E134 Adobe Experience Manager Developer Exam is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in this field. PassQuestion provides the most up-to-date AD0-E134 practice test questions to help you prepare for the exam and increase your chances of passing on the first attempt. Our AD0-E134 Practice Test Questions include a variety of question types to help you get familiar with the actual exam format. Additionally, our questions cover all the key topics and concepts that you will be tested on. With PassQuestion's AD0-E134 practice test questions, you can feel confident and well-prepared for your Adobe AD0-E134 test.
Exam Details
Exam ID: AD0-E134
Level: Expert (1-3 years' experience)
Passing Score: 26/50
Time: 100 mins
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
Available languages: English
Cost: $225 (global) / $150 (India)
Exam objectives and scope
Section 1: Configurations (22%)
- Identify the steps to create and manage AEM dispatcher configurations
- Determine the correct steps to configure multi-tenancy
- Explain how to create and manage OSGi configurations
- Given a scenario, determine the correct method to Create and manage custom OAK indices
- Determine the correct steps to configure OOTB SAML and LDAP integration
Section 2: AEM development (44%)
- Determine the correct steps to implement SPA structure, templates, and components
- Given a design, create custom components including the HTL, models, and services
- Determine the correct method to create unit tests and map mock data
- Given a scenario, determine the correct steps to develop workflows
- Given a scenario, determine the approach for any third-party integration
- Determine the approach to implement a headless or hybrid implementation
Section 3: Build and deployment (14%)
- Identify the steps to set-up and maintain front-end and back-end dependency management
- Determine the correct archetype when building projects
Section 4: Environment maintenance (22%)
- Given a scenario, determine the steps required to manage AEM environments
- Explain the setup steps around release management
- Recommend and implement solutions to sync content/configurations across AEM environments
- Determine the steps required around planning and implementing AEM upgrades and repository migration activities/tasks
View Online Adobe Experience Manager Developer AD0-E134 Free Questions
1.Which attribute must be present in all filter rules in AEM dispatcher configuration?
A. /type
B. /selectors
C. /url
D. /glob
Answer: D
2.Which property under /cache on dispatcher.any file identifies the directory where cached files are stored?
A. /invalidate
B. /statfile
C. /docroot
D. /cacheroot
Answer: D
3.Which environment-specific configuration is used in AEM as a Cloud Service to store private API keys?
A. $[env:ENV_VAR_NAME]
C. $[secret:SECRET_VAR_NAME]
D. $[secret:ENV_VAR_NAME]
Answer: C
4.A developer has to create a Logger and Writer pair for the company's application logging.
Which OSGi configurations should the developer use?
A. Apache Sling Logging Logger Configuration and Apache Sling Logging Configuration
B. Apache Sling Request Logger and Apache Sling Logging Writer Configuration
C. Apache Sling Logging Logger Configuration and Apache Sling Logging Writer Configuration
Answer: C
5.If multiple configurations for the same PID are applicable, which configuration is applied?
A. The last modified configuration is applied.
B. The configuration with the highest number of matching run modes is applied.
C. The one that occurs first in the repository is applied.
D. A configuration factory is created and all configurations are applied.
Answer: B
6.Which configuration/section should be used to resolve the domain name by dispatcher?
A. Configuration in vhosts file
B. Configuration in filters.any
C. Configuration in httpd.conf
D. Configuration in DNS
Answer: D
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