AD0-E314 Practice Test Questions - Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Expert
It is your chance to pass the Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Expert exam. PassQuestion has created multiple AD0-E314 Practice Test Questions that you can use to strengthen your preparation level for the Adobe AD0-E314 exam. By using all of our AD0-E314 Practice Test Questions, you will be able to clear the exam on the first attempt.You will have to use our AD0-E314 Practice Test Questions so you can ensure your success in the real exam. It will provide you a real exam scenario so you can get a better idea of how you can prepare for the Adobe AD0-E314 exam.
AD0-E314 Exam Details
Exam number: AD0-E314
Exam name: Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner
Certificate level: Certified Expert
Status: Active
Available languages: English
Number of questions: 50
Formats: Multiple choice and multiple select
Duration: 120 minutes
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
Passing mark: 62% or 31/50 [Please note: Percentage score would only be seen on older exam scores.]
Price: $225 USD / $150 USD (India)
AD0-E314 Exam Topics
Section 1: Campaign Management (14%)
- Apply best practices to build a campaign
- Given a scenario, determine the correct campaign template
- Explain the importance of typologies
- Describe target mappings
Section 2: Workflow Management (30%)
- Evaluate a given set of campaign requirements and recommend the course of action
- Given a scenario, analyze workflow errors
- Given a set of campaign requirements, determine the correct design of a marketing workflow
- Apply recommended practices in executing workflows
Section 3: Data Management (16%)
- Explain the core concepts of relational databases (Cardinality, key management (PK/FK), enumerations
- Determine the different sources of data that a workflow can access
- Identify the correct method to export data
- Determine how to perform data investigation
- Apply best practices to create lists
- Apply the steps to configure a predefined filter
Section 4: Reporting (8%)
- Given a scenario, determine the appropriate report(s) to generate
- Interpret built-in reports
- Explain the impact of logs clean-up/purge to reporting
Section 5: Delivery Management (26%)
- Apply the steps to create/configure deliveries
- Select the appropriate proof audience for approvals
- Apply the steps to set-up approvals
- Analyze and interpret delivery audits
Section 6: Administration (6%)
- Describe the requirements and processes to manage users
- Describe the processes involved in managing the folder structure
View Online Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Expert AD0-E314 Free Questions
How is recurring delivery similar to a continuous delivery?
A.Both deliveries append record to the delivery log
B.Both deliveries can be sent multiple times
C.Both deliveries can be modified in the delivery step
D.Both deliveries create new delivery logs
Answer : C
A campaign Business Practitioner is provided a text file of mobile phone types and their associated recipient email addresses. How should the campaign Business Practitioner build the workflow to begin to use the mobile phone type attribute in a targeting workflow?
A.An update data activity to import the txt file into workflow and a query activity to select all mobile phone types
B.A query activity to import the text file and an intersection activity to find matches between recipients and the text file
C.A data loading activity to import the text file into the workflows and enrichment activity to link recipient email address to email address in the text file
D.A read list activity to import the text file into the workflow and a split activity to segment the mobile phone type
Answer : A
What is the result when a use tries to create two lists with the same label?
A.The system renames the new list automatically
B.The system allows the existing list with the new list data
C.The system allows the new list to be created as
D.The system notifies the user to change the name of the new list
Answer : D
How would you send a proof to the ''Holiday Marketing Team'' list for approvals?
A.Select the email addresses from the recipient table
B.You cannot send the proof to the lists
C.Select the list from the send a Proof menu
D.Enter the email addressed into the ''To:'' line
Answer : A
A campaign requires multiple audience segments for the same delivery. What must be included in the campaign?
A.The campaign must contain a split
B.The campaign must have multiple workflows
C.The campaign must contain seeds
D.The campaign must contain multiple deliveries
Answer : D
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