AD0-E711 Practice Test Questions - Adobe Commerce Developer Professional
Are you worried about your AD0-E711 Adobe Commerce Developer Professional exam? PassQuestion provides high quality and highly reliable AD0-E711 Practice Test Questions that will help you succeed in the Adobe Commerce Developer Professional exam on your first attempt. It is highly recommended for you to study the latest AD0-E711 Practice Test Questions that will help you achieve the best results. Our IT certified experts will help you prepare for the AD0-E711 Practice Test Questions and you will be able to get all the tips you need to improve your preparation for the Adobe AD0-E711 exam. If you want to clear Adobe AD0-E711 exam on the first attempt, then you should go through our AD0-E711 Practice Test Questions multiple times so you can easily clear your exam on the first attempt.
Adobe Certified Professional - Adobe Commerce Developer
The Adobe Certified Professional - Adobe Commerce Developer exam is for a developer who is beginning their career as a Magento Developer. The exam is designed to validate the skills and knowledge of Magento 2 in the areas of: UI modifications, database changes, admin modifications, customizations, catalog and checkout structure, and functionality changes. This exam is for a Magento developer who has learned the Magento framework at the basic level covered by the Magento 2 Development Essentials training. Candidates should have experience with PHP, MySQL, Apache/Nginx, and Linux. Those who pass this exam will earn the Adobe Certified Professional—Magento Commerce Developer credential.
AD0-E711 Exam Details
Exam number: AD0-E711
Exam name: Adobe Certified Professional - Adobe Commerce Developer
Certificate level: Certified Professional
Status: Active
Available languages: English
Number of questions: 60
Formats: Multiple choice
Duration: 120 minutes
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access)
Passing mark: 39/60
Price: $225 USD / $150 USD (India only)
AD0-E711 Exam Sections
Section 1: Working with Admin
- Describe how the ACL works with roles and resources
- Identify the components to use when creating or modifying the admin grid/form
- Identify the files to use when creating a store/admin config and menu items
Section 2: Architecture
- Describe Magento file structure
- Describe Magento CLI commands
- Describe cron functionality
- Given a scenario, describe usage of the di.xml
- Given a scenario, create controllers
- Describe module structure
- Describe index functionality
- Describe localization
- Describe plugin, preference, event observers, and interceptors
- Describe custom module routes
- Describe URL rewrites
- Describe the Magento caching system
- Describe stores, websites, and store views (basic understanding)
Section 3: EAV/Database
- Given a scenario, change/add/remove attribute sets and/or attributes
- Describe different types of attributes
- Given a scenario, use a DB schema to alter a database table
- Describe models, resource models, and collections
- Describe basics of Entity Attribute Value (EAV)
Section 4: Layout/UI
- Describe usage of CMS pages and blocks
- Given a scenario, modify layout
- Given a scenario, modify page style
- Describe theme structure
- Given a scenario, work with JavaScript files (basic)
- Describe front-end usage of customer data
Section 5: Checkout and Sales
- Describe cart components
- Describe a cart promo rule
- Given a scenario, describe basic checkout modifications
- Given a scenario, describe basic usage of quote data
- Given a scenario, configure the payment and shipping methods
- Given a scenario, configure tax rules, currencies, cart, and/or checkout
Section 6: Catalog
- Identify the basics of category management and products management
- Describe product types
- Describe price rules
- Describe price types
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