AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) Dumps
Are you preparing for your AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) Exam? PassQuestion can not only provide all the information related to the DBS-C01 exam for the candidates, but also provide good AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) Dumps for best preparation. PassQuestion AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) Dumps can guarantee that you can in a short period of time to learn and to strengthen the professional knowledge of DBS-C01 and pass DBS-C01 exam with high score.
AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) Exam Description
The AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) examination is intended for individuals who perform in a database-focused role. This exam validates an examinee’s comprehensive understanding of databases, including the concepts of design, migration, deployment, access, maintenance, automation, monitoring, security, and troubleshooting.
Earn an industry-recognized credential from AWS that validates your expertise in the breadth of AWS database services and accelerating the use of database technology to drive your organization's business transformation. Build credibility and confidence by highlighting your ability to design, recommend, and maintain the optimal AWS database solution for a use case.
Exam Details
Exam Name: AWS Database Specialty exam
Exam Code: DBS-C01
Number of Questions: 65
Passing score: 750
Format: Multiple choice, multiple answer
Type: Specialty
Delivery Method: Testing center or online proctored exam
Time: 180 minutes to complete the exam
Cost: 300 USD (Practice exam: 40 USD)
Language: Available in English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese
It validates an examinee's ability to:
Understand and differentiate the key features of AWS database services.
Analyze needs and requirements to design and recommend appropriate database solutions using AWS services.
Recommended AWS Knowledge
A minimum of 5 years of experience with common database technologies
At least 2 years of hands-on experience working on AWS
Experience and expertise working with on-premises and AWS Cloud-based relational and NoSQL databases
Content Outline
Domain 1: Workload-Specific Database Design
1.1 Select appropriate database services for specific types of data and workloads
1.2 Determine strategies for disaster recovery and high availability
1.3 Design database solutions for performance, compliance, and scalability
1.4 Compare the costs of database solutions
Domain 2: Deployment and Migration
2.1 Automate database solution deployments
2.2 Determine data preparation and migration strategies
2.3 Execute and validate data migration
Domain 3: Management and Operations
3.1 Determine maintenance tasks and processes
3.2 Determine backup and restore strategies
3.3 Manage the operational environment of a database solution
Domain 4: Monitoring and Troubleshooting
4.1 Determine monitoring and alerting strategies
4.2 Troubleshoot and resolve common database issues
4.3 Optimize database performance
Domain 5: Database Security
5.1 Encrypt data at rest and in transit
5.2 Evaluate auditing solutions
5.3 Determine access control and authentication mechanisms
5.4 Recognize potential security vulnerabilities within database solutions
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