FCSS - Network Security 7.4 Support Engineer FCSS_NST_SE-7.4 Exam Questions
The latest FCSS - Network Security 7.4 Support Engineer FCSS_NST_SE-7.4 exam questions from PassQuestion are here to help you prepare thoroughly and increase your chances of passing with confidence. These practice questions are tailored to mirror the real exam experience, covering all the critical areas needed for the Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist - Network Security certification. Make use of PassQuestion Fortinet FCSS_NST_SE-7.4 Exam Questions to get familiar with the question formats and enhance your understanding, it covers all the key areas mentioned above and allows you to identify knowledge gaps before taking the test.
What is the FCSS - Network Security 7.4 Support Engineer Exam?
The FCSS - Network Security 7.4 Support Engineer exam measures your ability to diagnose, troubleshoot, and support Fortinet's enterprise security infrastructure. This certification validates your hands-on knowledge and experience with FortiGate firewalls running FortiOS 7.4, as well as your capacity to maintain complex, multi-device security environments.
This exam is designed for network and security professionals who manage and support enterprise networks secured by Fortinet solutions, especially FortiGate devices. As part of the Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist - Network Security certification track, this credential demonstrates proficiency in troubleshooting core features, routing protocols, authentication mechanisms, and VPNs.
Exam Structure
Before diving into the topics, here's a quick overview of the exam structure:
Exam Name: FCSS - Network Security 7.4 Support Engineer
Exam Series: FCSS_NST_SE-7.4
Time Allowed: 75 minutes
Number of Questions: 40 multiple-choice questions
Scoring: Pass or Fail. Score reports available via your Pearson VUE account.
Language: English
Product Version: FortiOS 7.4
Exam Topics and Skills Covered
To successfully pass this exam, candidates need to demonstrate deep troubleshooting knowledge across several key areas. Below are the main topics tested in the exam along with detailed descriptions of each:
1. System Troubleshooting
Fortinet FortiGate devices form the backbone of many enterprise security networks, making system troubleshooting essential. You must know how to:
- Troubleshoot FortiGate-to-FortiGate Security Fabric issues
- Troubleshoot automation stitches
- Troubleshoot resource problems using built-in tools
- Troubleshoot connectivity problems using built-in tools
- Troubleshoot different operation modes for FGCP HA clusters
2. Authentication
Fortinet devices rely on both local and remote authentication services. Candidates need to demonstrate the ability to:
- Troubleshoot local and remote authentication
- Troubleshoot Fortinet Single Sign-On (FSSO) issues
3. Security Profiles
Fortinet security profiles ensure that users and devices are protected from web-based threats. This section covers:
- Troubleshoot FortiGuard issues
- Troubleshoot web filtering issues
- Troubleshoot the intrusion prevention system (IPS)
4. Routing
Correctly configuring routing is critical in large networks. Candidates must know how to troubleshoot:
- Troubleshoot routing packets using static routes
- Troubleshoot OSPF to route the enterprise traffic
- Troubleshoot BGP to route the enterprise traffic
5. VPN
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are crucial for secure remote access. This part of the exam focuses on:
- Troubleshoot IPsec IKE version 1 and 2 issues
Study Tips to Prepare for the FCSS_NST_SE-7.4 Exam
1. Understand the Exam Structure and Topics Thoroughly
Before diving into study materials, make sure you fully understand the exam structure and the core topics it covers.
2. Set Up a Lab Environment Using FortiGate
Practical, hands-on experience is crucial for passing this exam since many of the questions revolve around real-world troubleshooting scenarios.
3. Focus on Troubleshooting Techniques
Since this exam emphasizes troubleshooting, you need to sharpen your ability to analyze logs, perform packet captures, and use FortiOS diagnostic tools effectively.
4. Create a Study Schedule and Stick to It
Consistency is key when preparing for the FCSS_NST_SE-7.4 exam. Break your preparation into daily or weekly tasks, covering topics one by one.
5. Use PassQuestion Practice Exams for Targeted Preparation
One of the best ways to prepare is by practicing with PassQuestion’s latest exam questions. These questions simulate the actual exam experience, giving you a sense of what to expect and helping you identify areas where you need more work.
View Online FCSS - Network Security 7.4 Support Engineer FCSS_NST_SE-7.4 Free Questions
1. Consider the scenario where the server name indication (SNI) does not match either the common name (CN) or any of the subject alternative names (SAN) in the server certificate.
Which action will FortiGate take when using the default settings for SSL certificate inspection?
A. FortiGate uses the SNI from the user's web browser.
B. FortiGate closes the connection because this represents an invalid SSL/TLS configuration.
C. FortiGate uses the first entry listed in the SAN field in the server certificate.
D. FortiGate uses the ZN information from the Subject field in the server certificate.
Answer: C
2. In which two slates is a given session categorized as ephemeral? (Choose two.)
A. A UDP session with only one packet received
B. A UOP session with packets sent and received
C. A TCP session waiting for the SYN ACK
D. A TCP session waiting for FIN ACK
Answer: A, C
3. Which exchange lakes care of DoS protection in IKEv2?
A. Create_CHILD_SA
B. IKE_Auth
Answer: C
4. An administrator wants to capture encrypted phase 2 traffic between two FotiGate devices using the built-in sniffer.
If the administrator knows that there Is no NAT device located between both FortiGate devices, which command should the administrator run?
A. diagnose sniffer packet any 'udp port 500'
B. diagnose sniffer packet any 'lp proto 50'
C. diagnose sniffer packet any 'udp port 4500'
D. diagnose sniffer packet any 'ah'
Answer: B
5. Which two statements are true regarding heartbeat messages sent from an FSSO collector agent to FortiGate? (Choose two.)
A. The heartbeat messages can be seen using the command diagnose debug authd fsso list.
B. The heartbeat messages can be seen in the collector agent logs.
C. The heartbeat messages can be seen on FortiGate using the real-lime FSSO debug.
D. The heartbeat messages must be manually enabled on FortiGate.
Answer: B, C
6. Which statement about parallel path processing is correct (PPP)?
A. PPP chooses from a group of parallel options lo identity the optimal path tor processing a packet.
B. Only FortiGate hardware configurations affect the path that a packet takes.
C. PPP does not apply to packets that are part of an already established session.
D. Software configuration has no impact on PPP.
Answer: A
7. In IKEv2, which exchange establishes the first CHILD_SA?
D. IKE_Auth
Answer: C
8. Which two statements about Security Fabric communications are true? (Choose two.)
A. FortiTelemetry and Neighbor Discovery both operate using TCP.
B. The default port for Neighbor Discovery can be modified.
C. FortiTelemetry must be manually enabled on the FortiGate interface.
D. By default, the downstream FortiGate establishes a connection with the upstream FortiGate using TCP port 8013.
Answer: C, D
9. What are two reasons you might see iprope_in_check() check failed, drop when using the debug flow? (Choose two.)
A. Packet was dropped because of policy route misconfiguration.
B. Packet was dropped because of traffic shaping.
C. Trusted host list misconfiguration.
D. VIP or IP pool misconfiguration.
Answer: C, D
10. Which two statements about conserve mode are true? (Choose two.)
A. FortiGate enters conserve mode when the system memory reaches the configured extreme threshold.
B. FortiGate starts taking the configured action for new sessions requiring content inspection when the system memory reaches the configured red threshold.
C. FortiGate exits conserve mode when the system memory goes below the configured green threshold.
D. FortiGate starts dropping all new sessions when the system memory reaches the configured red threshold.
Answer: B, C
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