H12-221_V2.5 HCIP-Routing & Switching-IERS V2.5 Exam Questions
The latest H12-221_V2.5 HCIP-Routing & Switching-IERS V2.5 Exam Questions are new cracked by PassQuestion Huawei experts,it is highly recommended for all HCIP-Routing & Switching candidates to choose PassQuestion H12-221_V2.5 questions and answers to practice for your final exam,you are guaranteed to pass your Huawei H12-221_V2.5 exam with an outstanding result in your first attempt. After studying H12-221_V2.5 HCIP-Routing & Switching-IERS V2.5 Exam Questions, you will master all the exam pattern and knowledge content to improve your confidence for passing your HCIP-Routing & Switching-IERS V2.5 H12-221_V2.5 Exam.
HCIP-Routing & Switching-IERS V2.5 Exam Overview
Certification: HCIP-Routing & Switching
Exam Code: H12-221
Exam Name: HCIP-Routing & Switching-IERS V2.5
Language: Chinese Simplified/English/SpanishModern/French
Duration: 90 min
Pass Score/Total Score: 600/1000
HCIP-Routing & Switching-IERS V2.5 Exam Knowledge Points
1. OSPF Routing Protocols 28%
2. ISIS Routing Protocols 4%
3. BGP Routing Protocols 26%
4. Routing Control 14%
5. Multicast Protocols 16%
6. Eth-Trunk Technology 3%
7 Advanced Features of Switches 2%
1. OSPF Routing Protocols
1.1 Basic principles of link state routing protocols
1.2 OSPF principles, configuration, and implementation: neighbor and adjacency,protocol packet and LSA, database synchronization, intra-area route calculation,inter-area route calculation, and external route calculation
1.3 Principles and configuration of OSPF special areas: stub area, totally stub area, and not-so-stubby area (NSSA)
2. ISIS Routing Protocols
2.1 ISIS basic principles and configurations
2.2 Differences between IS-IS and OSPF
3. BGP Routing Protocols
3.1 BGP neighbor relationship establishment and configuration
3.2 BGP route generation modes
3.3 BGP route advertisement rules
3.4 Common BGP attributes
3.5 BGP route selection rules
4. Routing Control
4.1 Route filtering by using filtering tools such as ACL, IP-prefix
4.2 Routing policy tools and policy-based routing tools
4.3 Problems caused by route importing and solutions
5. Multicast Protocols
5.1 Basic principles and configuration of IGMPv1/v2/v3 and IGMP snooping
5.2 Basic principles and configuration of PIM-DM and PIM-SM
6. Eth-Trunk Technology
6.1 Eth-Trunk modes
6.2 Eth-Trunk configuration
7. Advanced Features of Switches
7.1 MUX VLAN: application scenario and configuration
7.2 Port Isolation: application scenario and configuration
7.3 Port Security: application scenario and configuration
8.1 Limitations of STP, improvements in RSTP, RSTP configuration
8.2 Limitations of a single spanning Tree, MSTP principles and configuration
View Online HCIP-Routing & Switching-IERS V2.5 H12-221_V2.5 Free Questions
Which BGP attributes will not be advertised to neighbors along with BGP update messages?
A. PrefVal
C. Origin
Answer: A
In which of the following options does the OSPF protocol determine the master-slave relationship of DD packets?
A. ExStart
B. Full
C. 2-way
D. Exchange
Answer: A
Which of the following packets does the OSPP protocol use to send LSA to neighbors?
Answer: A
Which of the following parameters does the OSPF protocol use in the election of a master-slave relationship?
A. Sequence of initiating agreements
B. Process ID of the OSPF protocol
C. Interface IP address
D. Router ID
Answer: D
Besides P2P, which network types are supported by IS-IS protocol?
A. LAN (Broadcast Network)
Answer: A
In route-policy, what are the BGP attributes that can be used in if-match clauses?
A. Local-Preference
B. Community
Answer: BD
Which of the following network types does the OSPF protocol support? (Multiple choice)
A. Point-to-multipoint type
B. Point-to-point type
C. NBMA type
D. Broadcast type
Answer: ABCD
What types of link types are included in the Router LSA in OSPF? (Multiple choice)
A. TransNet
B. StubNet
C. P-2-P
D. Vlink
Answer: ABCD
What of the following description are wrong about the BGP routing announcement? (Multiple choice)
A. Only routes learned from IGP can be announced to other BGP neighbors.
B. All BGP routes learned from all BGP neighbors are announced to other BGP neighbors.
C. Only the best route selected by BGP can be announced to other BGP neighbors.
D. By default, routes learned from IBGP are not forwarded to other IBGP neighbors.
Answer: AB
Among the commonly used routing policy tools in BGP, which of the following can be used to filter routes? (Multiple choice)
A. ip extcommunity-filter
B. route-policy
C. route-policy
D. peer-list
Answer: ABC
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