HCDA - OWS Developer H35-920 Training Material
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1.Regarding on Forms, there is no "data exist check" component in mobile page.
Answer: A
2.Which of the following statements are correct about app import and export? (Multiple Choice)
A. App export includes information such as model, pages, services, and rules.
B. App export and import enable apps to be migrated in different environments.
C. Model can be exported separately or exported with the App.
D. App export can contain model data. However, it is not recommended to export model data that contains a large amount of data.
Answer: ABCD
3.What are the pain points of traditional IT software architecture and development process? (Multiple Choice)
A. The TTM of software development takes a long time.
B. Requirements may not be properly understood during the communication process.
C. Difficult to customize
D. No information sharing
Answer: ABCD
4.How many types of security policy of interface packages?
A. One type
B. Two types
C. Three types
D. Four types
Answer: B
5.Which of the following statements is correct about the release process of mobile app?
A. The apps that do not contain mobile pages can be used only after they are released to mobile phones.
B. After a mobile app is released, it can be updated on the mobile phone without being released again.
C. Mobile apps can be used on mobile phones without being released.
D. A released app can be synchronized to the mobile phone only after being upgraded and the version must be newer than the previous version.
Answer: D
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