HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect H13-821 Practice Questions | PassQuestion
On Monday, we completed the English version of H13-821 practice questions, which can be your great online exam questions to pass H13-821 HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 certification exam. PassQuestion HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect H13-821 Practice Questions contain 246 real exam questions and answers. When come to PassQuestion, you can get Huawei H13-821 testing engine to prepare for your exam. We recommend you read all H13-821 practice exam questions carefully and memorize them well. Then we ensure that you can pass HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 H13-821 exam in the first try.
HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 Certification - H13-821 Exam
H13-821 exam covers HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 certification. We know that HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 certification is one of Huawei certification, which is intended for cloud architects and senior cloud migration engineers. One candidate who holds HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 Certification can prove that he/she has a good command of cloud native concepts and PaaS series products, and can use Huawei cloud middleware, containers, and microservice cloud application platforms to implement quick cloud and cloud architecture optimization and provide corresponding cloud solutions.
There is no prerequisite for HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 Certification, you just need to prepare for Huawei H13-821 exam and pass it smoothly.. It requires you answer H13-821 exam in 90 minutes. The passing score should be or over 60%. The total score is 1000, you need to get 600 or more. Here, we also have collected H13-821 exam knowledge points for helping you know HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 H13-821 exam topics:
It is recommended to master all exam key points to make sure you can pass H13-821 exam smoothly.
Reasons for getting HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 Certification
Even most candidates have decided to take H13-821 exam for HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 Certification, some of them still want to be clear that the reasons for getting the certification. Candidates who hold HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 Certification can prove yourselves, you will get promotion in your life and career. The enterprise has the HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect certification engineer, which means that the enterprise has the capability of using the native application of Huawei PaaS product architecture cloud. Migrate traditional applications to the cloud or use containers and microservice platforms to optimize the cloud application architecture. It also proves that the enterprise has qualified personnel engaged in project tasks such as design, integration, deployment, and implementation of public cloud, and has a forward-looking perspective in the public cloud capability reserve.
HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect H13-821 Practice Questions | PassQuestion
If you do not want to attend the training course to prepare for H13-821 exam, I suggest you get online study materials for self-learning. PassQuestion HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect H13-821 Practice Questions are written by experienced professionals who have mastered all the HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect certification key points. They have proven that PassQuestion H13-821 exam questions are great for passing. They have a good review on every H13-821 exam questions because they are qualified and mastermind in selected question which is suitable for final Huawei H13-821 exam. Be successful in Huawei H13-821 HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect certification exam with PassQuestion H13-821 exam questions.
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Which of the following functions can be done with the MicroService Cloud Application Platform (ServiceStage)? (Multiple Choice)
A. Create an application dependent computing resource
B. Use AOS templates automate application orchestration
C. View application index
D. Online visualization upgrade application
E. Container application needs to build a container management platform on Service Storage, for example, you need to set up kubernetes to manage the docker container application.
Answer: BCDE
The CI/CD pipeline in the software development cloud (DevCloud) can help developers automatically complete the following operations: (Multiple Choice)
A. Application build
B. Application automation test
C. Application operation and maintenance and fault recovery
D. Application deployment
Answer: ABD
What is the role of the Dockerfile used when compiling and building in the Software Development Cloud (DevCloud)?
A. Make an application image
B. Cloud user authentication
C. Manage project dependencies
D. Save configuration parameters
Answer: A
Huawei Cloud Application Performance Management Service uses bytecode enhancement technology to implement non-intrusive collection of user application performance metrics. Users deploy a C-developed application on Huawei Cloud, or use Huawei Cloud Application Performance Management Service to analyze its performance issues.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
The TP99 delay is the low time required to satisfy 99% of network requests.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
ICAgent is the collection agent of APM. It runs on the elastic cloud server where the application is located. It is used to collect monitoring data such as topology and call chain in real time. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Non-intrusive data collection through JVM bytecode technology, users do not need to modify the business code
B. The application online through the Services tage can automatically complete the deployment of the acquisition probe
C. The resource overhead of each acquisition probe is minimal and will not affect the business.
D. Support data collection for applications developed in C language
Answer: D
Which of the following are the application scenarios of Huawei Cloud APM (Application Performance Management Service)? (Multiple Choice)
A. Analyze transaction status through Apdex values
B. Use templates to deploy applications to the cloud in one click
C. Track the root cause of the problem by calling the chain
D. Master the application health through the topology map
Answer: ACD
If you deploy an e-commerce website on Huawei Cloud, in order to benefit the old customers and prepare for a one-day big sale, what preparations should the operation and maintenance personnel prepare on Huawei Cloud in advance? (Multiple Choice)
A. Use pressure measurement service Cloud Eys of Huawei Cloud to exercise the high-traffic service capability of the website in advance.
B. Add the metrics that need to be viewed in the routine operation and maintenance to the dashboard, to grasp the global situation in real time.
C. Set threshold alarms for key application performance indicators of the website, and automatically notify the operation and maintenance personnel of the alarms.
D. Prepare resources in advance. Set the elastic expansion group to increase capacity as the resource usage increases during the promotion process.
Answer: BCD
Threshold alarm detects the upper and lower limits set by the index defined in the threshold rule, if the trigger condition is reached, an alarm message is sent, and a customized action is performed at the same time, and the current alarm on the Huawei cloud can be notified by which way to operation & maintenance personnel? (Multiple Choice)
B. Mail
C. WeChat
Answer: AB
The Huawei cloud application performance management service completes application performance data collection by installing a collection agent on the node where the application is located. The collection agent is based on the industry's Pinpoint open source project, which uses the JVM bytecode enhancement technology to achieve non-intrusive collection of application indicators. Which of the following technology stack development applications does APM not support?
B. Tomcat
C. C++
D. Spring
Answer: C
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