HCIP-Routing & Switching-IENP V2.5 H12-222_V2.5 Questions and Answers
Are you preparing for your H12-222_V2.5 HCIP-Routing & Switching-IENP V2.5 Exam? PassQuestion team created HCIP-Routing & Switching-IENP V2.5 H12-222_V2.5 Questions and Answers that you can use to strengthen your preparation level for the Huawei H12-222_V2.5 exam. By using all of our H12-222_V2.5 Questions and Answers, you will be able to clear the exam on the first attempt.We are offering all the high quality H12-222_V2.5 Questions and Answers that you can use to prepare for the real exam. PassQuestion provides you with the ultimate pathway to achieve your targeted HCIP-Routing & Switching-IENP V2.5 certification.
HCIP-Routing & Switching-IENP V2.5 Exam Overview
Certification: HCIP-Routing & Switching
Exam Code: H12-222
Exam Name: HCIP-Routing & Switching-IENP V2.5
Language: Chinese Simplified/English/SpanishModern/French
Duration: 90 min
Pass Score/Total Score: 600/1000
HCIP-Routing & Switching-IENP V2.5 Exam Knowledge Points
1. MPLS and MPLS VPN 26%
2. DHCP 7%
3. Mirroring 3%
4. Agile Controller and eSight 11%
5. IP QoS 21%
6. Huawei Firewall Technology Basis 15%
7. VRRP 6%
8. BFD 5%
1.1 MPLS architecture, LSP setup process
1.2 MPLS VPN working principles and configuration
2.1 DHCP and DHCP relay principles and configurations
2.2 Security threats to DHCP and corresponding protection mechanisms
3. Mirroring
3.1 Mirroring concepts and configurations
4. Agile Controller and eSight
4.1 Agile Controller and eSight product features
5. IP QoS
5.1 QoS service models
5.2 Traffic classification and re-marking
5.3 Congestion management and congestion avoidance
5.4 Traffic policing and traffic shaping
6. Huawei Firewall Technology Basis
6.1 Huawei firewall products
6.2 Security zone and security policy
6.3 NAT: Private network users accessing the Internet, Internet users accessing Intranet servers
6.4 Attack defense
7.1 VRRP principles and configurations
8. BFD
8.1 BFD principles and configurations
9.1 SDN concept and architecture, benefits of SDN
9.2 Challenges facing data center networks, VXLAN principles and configurations
9.3 NFV architecture, relationship between NFV and SDN
View Online HCIP-Routing & Switching-IENP V2.5 H12-222_V2.5 Free Questions
VRRP packets do not support authentication.
Answer: B
The DHCP protocol can assign some TCP/IP-related parameter information to the client. In this process, DHCP defines a variety of messages. What encapsulation is used for these messages?
A. TCP encapsulation
B. UDP encapsulation
C. PPP encapsulation
D. IP encapsulation
Answer: B
What are the reasons for the shortcomings of RED?
A. Tail drop cannot distinguish traffic drop
B. The high threshold setting is unreasonable
C. The queue length setting is unreasonable
D. The low threshold setting is unreasonable
Answer: C
During the establishment of an LDP session, what message will be sent if the other party's relevant parameters cannot be accepted?
A. advertisement
B. notification
C. initial
D. keepalive
Answer: B
What are the main features of stateful inspection firewalls?
A. The subsequent package processing performance is excellent
B. For each packet mirrored packet filtering inspection
C. Slow processing speed
D. Can only detect the network layer
Answer: A
In the MPLS system, there are two ways of distributing labels, what are they? (Multiple choice)
A. Downstream autonomous DoD
B. Downstream on-demand DU
C. Downstream autonomous DoD
D. Downstream on-demand DU
Answer: AB
Which of the following working modes does the firewall interface have? (Multiple choice)
A. Exchange mode
B. Transparent mode
C. Transmission mode
D. Routing mode
Answer: BD
What information of the message can be marked or remarked? (Multiple choice)
A. MAC Address information
B. Any information in the message
C. IP Source, Destination Address, EXP information
D. IP DSCP, IP Precedence, 802.1p, EXP information
Answer: ACD
Which of the following solutions can improve network service quality? (Multiple choice)
A. Reasonable use of queue scheduling and congestion avoidance mechanisms
B. Arrange different businesses to provide services at different times
C. Improve link bandwidth
D. Replace high-performance equipment
Answer: ACD
Which of the following statements about VXLAN are correct? (Multiple choice)
A. VXLAN uses MAC in UDP encapsulation
B. The VXLAN feature is essentially a VPN technology, which can superimpose a Layer 2 virtual network on any routable network, and realize the intercommunication within the VLAN network through the VXLAN gateway. At the same time, it can also realize the connection with the traditional non-VXLAN network. Intercommunication
C. When VXLAN is applied in the network, all devices required to pass through the tunnel support VXLAN
D. VXLAN is only a Layer 2 tunneling technology and cannot realize Layer 3 communication
Answer: AB
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