HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect H31-511-ENU Training Material
If you want to get success in H31-511-ENU HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect Exam, which gives you exactly those which will be supportive for you in your final exam. Passquestion is the best site for you as it has all the valuable HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect H31-511-ENU Training Material which is vital for Huawei H31-511-ENU exam.
H31-511-ENU HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect Exam Preparation
There are two purposes for studying H31-511-ENU, passing the H31-511-ENU exam and mastering the professional H31-511-ENU knowledge and skills; and only one of the H31-511-ENU exams is passed: H31-511-ENU exam. Therefore, there is still a certain difference between the H31-511-ENU study and the exam. However, regardless of the H31-511-ENU's study or exam, it will be accompanied by certain difficulties. So, if you want to make the H31-511-ENU and H31-511-ENU exams simple and efficient, what H31-511-ENU learning and exam skills do we need to master?
H31-511 HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect examination covers the e-Government cloud data center ICT technology basic knowledge, vertical industry basics and Informationization Trend (government, education, medical), Huawei industry cloud solution (government, education, medical), solution expert role perception and professional capability (requirement analysis, solution architecture design and presentation).
The H31-511-ENU practice test is one of the things we do repeatedly in the process of learning H31-511-ENU. During the test, we can easily find ourselves in the H31-511-ENU learning. While we are summing up, we must carry out special exercises on our weak items. Only special exercises will make our impressions deeper, so that we can learn and understand the relevant H31-511-ENU knowledge points from a deeper level.
How To Pass Huawei H31-511-ENU Exam? - Passquestion HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect H31-511-ENU Training Material
If you are buying Passquestion HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect H31-511-ENU Training Material, then you should have enough confidence in it. Because HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect H31-511-ENU Training Material are written and released by a number of H31-511-ENU experts, and the H31-511-ENU exam is always updated, we have enough confidence in it. This information will guarantee our H31-511-ENU pass rate to the maximum extent, as it contains all the latest H31-511-ENU questions. As long as we have a thorough understanding of the HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect H31-511-ENU Training Material, our H31-511-ENU pass rate will be close to 100%. This is one of the reasons why many candidates now use it as the most powerful guarantee for passing the H31-511-ENU exam.
Share HCNA-Cloud Solutions Architect H31-511-ENU Questions And Answers Below:
1.Frames sent over the trunk port of a switch are always tagged.
Answer: B
2.What are traditional retail industry new targets? (Multiple Choice)
A. Improve convenience and experience
B. Improve efficiency and reduce costs
C. Improve sales based on precision marketing
D. Reduce IT cost
Answer: ABC
3.What's the benefits of ESI open CAE cloud can help automakers? (Multiple Choice)
A. Enhance efficiency
B. Reduce data analysis
C. Optimize cost
D. Save energy
Answer: ABD
4.Which of the following belong to Cloud Solution on Scientific Research Industry? (Multiple Choice)
A. HPC as a Service
C. Public Cloud
Answer: ABD
5.Which of the following is not included in a routing table?
A. Next-hop IP address
B. MAC address
C. Network address
D. Metrics
Answer: B
6.Which of the following descriptions about categories of cloud computing are correct? (Multiple Choice)
A. Google mode is big divided into small
B. Amazon mode is small aggregated into big
C. For Amazon mode, The current application can directly or simple reconstruction can run on the cloud computing platform
D. For Google mode, it is related to the specific application, and only the newly-developed applications can run on the cloud platform.
Answer: CD
7.Which of the following descriptions about Financial Cloud Evolution Roadmap is incorrect?
A. Quick delivery of infrastructures
B. Unified monitoring of data centers (DCs)
C. Cloud native
D. Delivery of server-centric infrastructures
Answer: D
8.Which of the following descriptions about Hybrid Cloud is incorrect?
A. The heavy traffic that occurs during the holiday and promotional periods can be transferred to public clouds in a flexible and quick way, meeting the demands of resource expansion and enhancing user experience
B. Once public clouds have been connected with private clouds, the service is ready
C. Hybrid cloud solution in data security, and regulation compliance, and rationality of the expense has very obvious advantages
D. Core data analysis can be completed on public clouds, which is reliable and secure
Answer: D
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