HCS-5G RAN V1.0 H35-460 Study Material
HCS-5G RAN V1.0 H35-460 exam is new available for candidates who want to get certified,if you want to get help for your Huawei H35-460 exam preparation, Passquestion will be your best choice. You can get valid HCS-5G RAN V1.0 H35-460 Study Material from Passquestion to participate in H35-460 exam and pass your HCS-5G RAN V1.0 Exam successfully.
How To Pass HCS-5G RAN V1.0 H35-460 Exam Easily?
To start your H35-460 exam preparation, you must ensure that you are sufficiently skilled in the basic knowledge before practicing the HCS-5G RAN V1.0 H35-460 Study Material, otherwise the difficulty of learning will be relatively large;
Secondly, regarding the practice of H35-460, we can follow the order from easy to difficult, and increase the difficulty step by step, so that we can practice more smooth. Even if some questions are difficult, they should be within our capabilities.
Another point is very important. We can match the questions in the HCS-5G RAN V1.0 H35-460 Study Material with the knowledge points we have learned in the past, and consolidate our learning in a timely manner. This will not only test our mastery of knowledge points, but also further deepen our understanding and mastery of relevant knowledge points.
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Passquestion HCS-5G RAN V1.0 H35-460 Study Material can truly help you understand the actual test content in advance in order to be able to learn and pass your HCS-5G RAN V1.0 certification exam. Not only ensures the efficiency of learning, but also guarantees the passing rate of the exam.
Share H35-460 Sample Questions And Answers:
1. Which application scenario of 5G is not described in 3GPP Release 15?
B. wTTx
Answer: C
2. On the NSA network, which of the following commands can be used to check whether the S1-U interface is normal?
Answer: D
3. What is the vision of IMT-2020 for the peak rate of 5G networks?
A. 10Gbps
B. 100Gbps
C. 1Gbps
D. 100lMbps
Answer: A
4. Compared with 4G, 5G redefines the core network NGC, which network elements are mainly included? (Multiple Choice)
Answer: ABC
5. Which of the following 5C network evolution path deployment costs are the lowest?
B. NGC+gNB (primary) + eNB
C. EPC+eNB (primary) + gNB
D. NGC + eNB (primary) + gNB
Answer: C
6. Which of the following bands does the candidate SUL spectrum for C-band uplink and downlink decoupling not include?
A. 1800MHz
B. 2600MHz
C. 700MHz
D. 900MHz
Answer: D
7. In the Sub 3G band, the maximum beam number of SSBs in the NR is 16.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
8. In the Sub 6G band, what is the maximum beam number of 5G SSB?
A. 64
B. 32
C. 8
D. 4
Answer: A
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