Hitachi Pentaho Data Integration Implementation HCE-5920 Exam Questions
If you are attempting HCE-5920 Hitachi Vantara Certified Specialist - Pentaho Data Integration Implementation exam, PassQuestion has the best Hitachi Pentaho Data Integration Implementation HCE-5920 Exam Questions that you can use for the preparation of the Hitachi HCE-5920 exam. If you are using detailed HCE-5920 Exam Questions prepared by us, then you will be able to clear your concepts and you will be able to prepare for the exam in an efficient way. Make sure that you are focusing on using detailed HCE-5920 questions and answers so you clear your exams without going through any trouble. If you are selecting reliable Hitachi Pentaho Data Integration Implementation HCE-5920 Exam Questions, then you will be able to improve your preparation level and you will be able to pass your exam on the first attempt.
Hitachi Vantara Certified Specialist - Pentaho Data Integration Implementation
Hitachi Vantara Certified Specialist - Pentaho Data Integration Implementation exam certifies that the successful candidate has knowledge, skills and abilities to implement and support Pentaho Data Integration solutions. This test covers installation, solution design, database connectivity, PDI development, big data, error handling and logging, performance tuning.
This test is designed for Hitachi Vantara employees, partners,and customers. It validates that the successful candidate has knowledge, skills,and abilities to implement and support Pentaho Data Integration solutions. This includes thorough understanding of deployment and integration procedures and best practices. This test covers installation, solution design, database connectivity, PDI development, Big Data, error handling and logging, and performance tuning.
Exam Details
Exam Type: Certification
Format: Proctored, closed-book exam
Credential: Hitachi Vantara Certified Specialist - Pentaho Data Integration implementation
Validity 3 years: Delivery
Questions: 60
Passing Score 63%
Duration 90 minutes; 120 minutes for non-Englishspeaking countries
Cost: US $225
Exam Section Objectives
Section 1 Installation and Configuration
1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of Pentaho Server installation and configuration.
1.2 Describe how to manage the repository.
Section 2 Solution Design
2.1 Describe the Data Integration client and server components.
2.2 Describe how data flows within PDI jobs and transformations.
2.3 Describe methods to execute PDI jobs or transformations.
2.4 Describe usage of metadata injection.
Section 3 Database Connectivity
3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to manage data connections in PDI.
Section 4 PDI Development
4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the steps used to create a PDI job.
4.2 Describe the steps to create a PDI transformation.
4.3 Describe how to use streaming steps.
4.4 Describe the use of property files.
Section 5 Big Data
5.1 Identify key aspects of working with data and Hadoop.
5.2 Describe how to create Big Data PDI jobs and transformations.
5.3 Demonstrate knowledge of how to configure PDI and Pentaho server to integrate with Hadoop.
Section 6 Error Handling and Logging
6.1 Describe error handling concepts in PDI.
6.2 Demonstrate knowledge of logging concepts.
Section 7 Performance Tuning
7.1 Describe how to monitor and tune the performance of a job or a transformation.
View Online Pentaho Data Integration Implementation HCE-5920 Free Questions
A Big Datacustomer is experiencing failures on a Tableinput stepwhen running a PDl transformation on AEL Sparkagainst a large Oracle database.
What are two methods to resolve this issue? (Choose two.)
A.Increase the maximum size of the message butters tor your AEL environment.
B.Load the data to HDFS before running the transform.
C.Add the Step ID to the Configuration File.
D.Increase the Spark driver memory configuration.
Answer:A, B
What are two ways to schedule a PDI job stored in the repository? (Choose two.)
A.Write a login script to startthe timer and execute a kitchen script specifying a job in the repository.
B.Use the pan script specifying a job in the repository and schedule it using cron.
C.Use the kitchen script specifying a job in the repository and schedule it using cron.
D.Use Spoon connected to the Pentaho repository and choose Action > Schedule in the menu.
Answer:B, C
You need to populate a fact table with the corresponding surrogate keys from each dimension table
Which two steps accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
A.the 'Combination lookup/update' step
B.the Dimension lookup/update' step
C.the 'Select values' step
D.the 'Filter rows' step
Answer:A, B
You are connectingto a secure Hadoop dueler from Pentaho and want to use impersonation.
Which Pentaho tool should you use?
A.Pentaho Report Designer
B.Pentaho Spoon
C.Pentaho Security Manager
D.Pentaho Server
You have a job that uses a Pentaho MapReduce entry to read four input files, and that outputs words and their counts to one output file.
How shouldyou set the number of reducer tasks?
A.Set it to blank.
B.Set it to 0.
C.Set it to 1.
D.Set it to 4.
A Big Data customer wants to run POI transformations on Spark on their production Hadoop cluster using Pentaho's Adaptive Execution Layer (AEL)
What are two stepsforinstalling AEL? (Choose two.)
A.Run the Spark application butter tool to obtain the AEL daemon zip file.
B.Configure the AEL daemon in Local Mode.
C.Run the AEL Oozie job to install the AEL daemon.
D.Configure the AEL daemon in YARN Mode
Answer:B, D
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