How to prepare for VMware VCP-DW 2V0-761 Exam?
Are you preparing for your VMware VCP-DW 2018 Exam 2V0-761? Passquestion VMware VCP-DW 2V0-761 questions and answers are your best way for your preparation. Passquestion VMware VCP-DW 2V0-761 questions and answers contain all the exam questions, we used to schedule the VMware 2V0-761 test is almost identical to the real VMware 2V0-761 exam. Passquestion VMware VCP-DW 2V0-761 questions and answers allow us to experience the most realistic VMware 2V0-761 exam scenario. Not only can we alleviate the tensions that we will see when we participate in the VMware 2V0-761 exam in the future, but also make us better in the timing and details of the answer.
The person who has obtained the VCP-DW 2018 certification will have the ability to configure, deploy, manage, maintain, optimize, and perform basic troubleshooting of VMware Workspace ONE and related solutions, as well as properly identify and differentiate any needed supporting products and components. Because of this, the VMware 2V0-761 exam has gradually become one of the most popular certification exams. For some common VMware 2V0-761 exam questions, this is why every candidate who chooses learn VMware 2V0-761 should take the time to understand.
What are the basic information about the VMware 2V0-761 exam?
The VMware 2V0-761 exam has a duration of 135 minutes and contains a total of 65 questions. If you end up with a score of 300 or more, congratulations, this means that you will successfully pass the VMware 2V0-761 exam. VMware 2V0-761 Exam Language: English
What is the VMware 2V0-761 exam fees?
The VMware 2V0-761 exam fees are $250. My first reaction is: expensive! Of course, it may be because I am too poor. But there are a lot of certification exams on the market, but the exam price is as low as $250. This is also a fact. Moreover, if you can't successfully pass the VMware 2V0-761 exam in one go, the $250 can't solve the problem, it's just terrible. So, if possible, try to make sure you pass the exam once.
What is the VMware 2V0-761 Exam guide?
Configure Resource Policies
Deploy Resources with Workspace ONE
Deploy Workspace ONE Configuration
Setup Advanced Workspace ONE settings
Understand Workspace ONE Configuration
Management and Troubleshooting Workspace ONE
Install, Configure, and Validate On-premises Integration Components
Share the latest VMware 2V0-761 exam sample questions:
Which authentication method supports Mobile SSO?
B. Fingerprint authentication
C. Integrated Windows Authentication
Answer: C
Which three VMware products can integrate with the VMware Unified Access Gateway? (Choose three.)
A. VMware AirWatch
B. VMware Horizon
C. VMware Mirage
D. VMware Fusion
E. VMware NSX
Answer: A,B,E
Where can an administrator subscribe to reports in Workspace ONE?
A. VMware Workspace ONE app
B. Workspace ONE Identity Manager Console
C. VMware Unified Access Gateway
D. Workspace ONE UEM Console
Answer: B
What setting would need to be modified to prevent a user from performing an enterprise wipe on their device from the Self Service Portal?
A. AirWatch Agent Setting
B. User Role
C. Device Ownership type
D. Device Restriction profile
Answer: C
What three on-premise components require a Public IP address. (Select three.)
A. AirWatch Cloud Connector (ACC)
B. Database Server
C. Secure Email Gateway (SEG)
D. Unified Access Gateway – Content Gateway service
E. Unified Access Gateway – VMware Tunnel service
F. Integration Broker
Answer: C,D,F
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