JNCIP-Cloud JN0-611 Practice Test Questions - Cloud, Professional (JNCIP-Cloud)
Are you worried about how to pass your JN0-611 Cloud, Professional (JNCIP-Cloud) Exam? PassQuestion has created JNCIP-Cloud JN0-611 Practice Test Questions that you can use to strengthen your preparation level for the Juniper JN0-611 exam. It will help you build confidence and you will be able to find out important tips to attempt your JN0-611 exam. With the aid of the JNCIP-Cloud JN0-611 Practice Test Questions, you can also achieve the goal of understanding the real JN0-611 exam.By using all of our JNCIP-Cloud JN0-611 Practice Test Questions, you will be able to clear the JNCIP-Cloud Certification JN0-611 exam on the first attempt.
Cloud, Professional (JNCIP-Cloud) Exam Overview
The JNCP Cloud track enables you to demonstrate competence with cloud networking architectures such as multiclouds, software-defined networking, SD-WAN, and other cloud technologies. JNCIP-Cloud, the professional-level certification in this track, is designed for networking professionals with advanced knowledge of cloud networking, theory, and best practices. The written exam verifies your understanding of cloud networking principles and technologies.
JNCP Cloud track includes four certifications:
JNCIA-Cloud: Cloud, Associate. (JN0-211)
JNCIS-Cloud: Cloud, Specialist.(JN0-412)
JNCIP-Cloud: Cloud, Professional. (JN0-611)
JNCIE-Cloud: Cloud, Expert.
Exam Information
- Exam Code:JN0-611
- Prerequisite Certification:JNCIS-Cloud
- Delivered by:Pearson VUE
- Exam Length:90 minutes
- Exam Type:Written exam, plus 65 multiple-choice questions
- Software Versions:Contrail 1907
- Language: English
JN0-611 Exam Topics
Contrail Networking Overview
Describe Contrail Networking concepts
- Use Cases
- Architecture
Kubernetes Integration
Describe Kubernetes integration with Contrail
- Kubernetes architecture
- Pods
- Namespace
- volumes
- vRouter Connectivity
- Node
- Clusters
Demonstrate knowledge of configuring, monitoring, or troubleshooting Kubernetes
OpenShift Integration
Describe OpenShift integration with Contrail
- Architecture
- Managing workloads
- vRouter Connectivity
Demonstrate knowledge of configuring, monitoring, or troubleshooting OpenShift
vCenter Integration
Describe vCenter integration with Contrail
- Architecture
- Managing workloads
- vRouter Connectivity
Demonstrate knowledge of configuring, monitoring, or troubleshooting vCenter
Service Chaining
Describe service chaining concepts
- In-network
- Transparent
- Source NAT
- Distributed source NAT
- Service chain routing
- PNF service chaining
- Docker container service chains
- Redundancy/failover
- Analyzer VM
Demonstrate knowledge of configuring, monitoring, or troubleshooting service chains
- TOP 50 Exam Questions
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