MongoDB Certified Developer Associate C100DEV Study Guide
You are required to pass the C100DEV exam to become a MongoDB Certified Developer, PassQuestion new cracked the latest MongoDB Certified Developer Associate C100DEV Study Guide which covers real questions and answers to ensure your success on the first attempt. By utilizing the MongoDB Certified Developer Associate C100DEV Study Guide, you get the most effective benefits. You could get the most efficient MongoDB Certified Developer Associate C100DEV Study Guide which can be most worthy for the MongoDB Certified Developer Associate exam and boost your practical experience in the field.
C100DEV Exam Information
Exams are web-proctored (online)
Exams are open for one week on a monthly basis
Duration: 90 minutes / 60 questions
Question Type: Multiple choice / Check All that Apply
There is no penalty for incorrect answers.
Exam Cost – $150 USD
Exam Objectives
General Coding Knowledge Required
- Fundamental database concepts
- Fundamentals of system programming
- Basic JavaScript programming
- Fundamentals of software development
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations
Indexing and Performance
- Single key, compound, multi-key, mechanics, storage engines, and performance
- Pipeline, operators, memory usage, sort, skip, and limit
Data Modeling
- Embedding, references, document growth, modeling one-to-one and one-to-many relationships, modeling for atomic operations, modeling tree structures
- Configuration, oplog concepts, write concern, elections, failover, and deployment to multiple data centers
- Components, when to shard, balancing, shard keys, and hashed shard keys
View Online MongoDB Certified Developer Associate C100DEV Free Questions
In order to ensure that you can maintain high availability in the face of server failure, you should use which of the following MongoDB feature?
A. Replication
B. Sharding
C. Proper storage engine
D. Proper defined user roles
E. Indexes on all of the documents
Answer: A
Which of the following are valid types in BSON? Check all that apply.
A. Int64
B. Objectid
C. Decimall28
Answer: A, B, C
Which of the following commands can you use to exports data in BSON format from a MongoDB cluster?
A. mongostore
B. mongodump
C. mongoimport
D. mongoexport
Answer: B
Select true statements about index performance. Check all that apply.
A. For the fastest processing, we should make sure our indexes fit entirely in RAM.
B. Indexes cannot decrease insert throughput.
C. Follow the SRE rule: Sort, Range, Equality.
D. You should use covered queries when possible.
E. Indexes don't have to be completely stored in RAM, but permanent disk access to retrieve index information will have a performance impact.
Answer: A, D, E
Why does MongoDB use BSON rather than JSON? Check all that apply.
A. BSON includes metadata to describe a document/object
B. BSON supports more data types than JSON
C. BSON is more human readable than JSON
Answer: A, B
Which writes are atomic in MongoDB 4.0? Check all that apply.
A. An update to multiple documents in a sharded cluster
B. An update to multiple documents in a replica set using transactions
C. An update to a single document in a shared cluster
D. An update to mutiple documents in a shared cluster
Answer: A, B, C
On which of the following CRUD operations can you specify a write concern? Check all that apply.
A. db.collection.insertOne(}
B. db.collection.find()
C. db.collection.updateMany(}
Answer: A, C
In MongoDB, the WiredTiger storage engine provides concurrency at what level?
A. Server-level concurrency
B. Database level concurrency
C. Collection level concurrency
D. Document level concurrency
E. Field level concurrency
Answer: D
Which of the following is true of covered queries? Check all that apply.
A. MongoDB can satisfy covered queries using only index keys.
B. MongoDB can satisfy covered queries efficiently without the use of an index.
C. Covered queries ordinarily have slower response times than queries that are not covered.
Answer: A
Which of the following must be true for a query to be a covered query? Check all that apply.
A. All fields used in the selection filter of the query must be in the index that the query uses
B. All fields returned in the results must be in the index that the query uses
C. All fields returned in the results must be fields in the selection filter of the query
Answer: A, B
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