NS0-193 Practice Test Questions - NetApp Certified Support Engineer
NS0-193 exam is the new NetApp NCSE Certification test of NetApp Certified Support Engineer, previous exam NS0-192 has been retired and no longer to take in Pearson VUE test center. Passquestion new released the latest NetApp NCSE NS0-193 Practice Test Questions to help you best study for your exam,it will help you feel easy to pass your NCSE Certification NS0-193 exam in the first time.
NS0-193 NetApp Certified Support Engineer
The NS0-193 exam includes 60 test questions, with an allotted time of 1-1/2 hours to complete. In countries where English is not the native language, candidates for whom English is not their first language will be granted a 30-minute extension to the allotted examination completion time.Your results will be available in CertCenter two (2) to five (5) business days after you complete your exam.
Candidates for NetApp Certified Support Engineer (NCSE) certification should have at least 6 to 12 months of experience with NetApp® solutions and technology, including on-site and remote support, general troubleshooting and root cause isolation, hardware replacement, documentation, node configuration, and software and firmware upgrades.
The NCSE ONTAP (NS0-193) exam includes the following topics:
ONTAP® Fundamentals
Describe aggregate status
Describe how to troubleshoot AutoSupport
Describe clustering in ONTAP
Demonstrate knowledge of the steps required to upgrade a cluster
Describe space usage within ONTAP
Identify Advanced Disk Partitioning (ADP) implementation
Platforms and Storage
Demonstrate how to analyze storage controller issues
Identify HA and cluster interconnect statistics and error counts
Identify how ONTAP uses system memory and NVRAM
Describe replacement considerations for FRUs
Configuration and Troubleshooting
Describe how to troubleshoot SAN components
Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot NFS
Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot SMB (CIFS)
Describe how to configure networks
Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot permissions
Identify how to capture a packet trace
Performance Analysis
Describe common performance bottlenecks
Identify various filesystem scanners
Describe how to collect performance statistics
NetApp® Data Protection and Management Software
Identify OnCommand® Suite products
Describe ONTAP data protection
Describe SnapCenter® or SnapDrive® software
Describe SnapCenter configuration
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