NS0-402 Exam Questions - NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer
If you are going to prepare for NS0-402 NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer Exam, PassQuestion NS0-402 Exam Questions will certainly boost your chance of passing the NetApp NS0-402 exam. We are strongly confident that you will pass your NS0-402 exam the first time. We are trying our best to provide all service for our customer with high speed and efficiency to save your valuable time. With our complete NS0-402 Exam Questions, you will minimize your NS0-402 cost and be ready to pass your NCHC Implementation Engineer NS0-402 exam on Your First Try.
NS0-402 Exam Overview - NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer
NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineers have the skills and ability to implement and automate NetApp Hybrid Cloud solutions from private and public cloud configurations to monitoring and troubleshooting. NCHC Implementation Engineer logos and certificates will be granted to those individuals who successfully pass the NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer (NS0-402) exam.
The NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer exam (NS0-402) includes 60 test questions, with an allotted time of 1-1/2 hours to complete. In countries where English is not the native language, candidates for whom English is not their first language will be granted a 30-minute extension to the allotted examination completion time.
Your results will be available in CertCenter two (2) to five (5) business days after you complete your exam.
NS0-402 Exam Topics
DevOps Concepts
Describe version control processes for code
Describe the differences in DevOps versus traditional system administration
Describe NetApp Hybrid Cloud capabilities within the software development lifecycle
Scalable Hybrid Cloud Deployment
Demonstrate knowledge of security or compliance deployment capabilities in a NetApp Hybrid Cloud
Demonstrate knowledge of high availability or fault tolerance capabilities in the NetApp Hybrid Cloud
Demonstrate knowledge of end-to-end deployment of hybrid cloud solutions
Demonstrate knowledge of deploying a NetApp private cloud
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Automation
Describe the types of automation methods
Demonstrate knowledge of using configuration files
Demonstrate knowledge of how to use Ansible for NetApp deployment
Persistent Storage for Containers
Demonstrate knowledge of when to use persistent storage with containers
Describe how to implement automated persistent storage using Trident
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring and Remediation
Demonstrate knowledge of how to monitor hybrid cloud solutions
Demonstrate knowledge of hybrid cloud problem remediation
View Online NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer NS0-402 Free Questions
Your software development team creates and deploys applications to Kubernetes. You want to provide the team with metrics from the applications resource usage.
In this scenario, which two products would satisfy this requirement? (Choose two.)
A. Application Lifecycle Manager
B. OnCommand System Manager
C. OnCommand Unified Manager
D. Cloud Insights
Answer: C,D
Your manager has informed you that any new solutions that you deploy must support SnapMirror technology for replicating data back to your main data center, where a large ONTAP cluster provides data protection.
In this scenario, which two solutions satisfy this requirement? (Choose two.)
A. Use NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP in your public cloud provider footprints for storing data.
B. Deploy a StorageGRID cluster across your three regional data centers.
C. Use E-Series disk arrays at your remote sites.
D. Deploy NetApp HCI for compute and storage in your branch offices.
Answer: B,D
You have an application that runs once per month to provide analytics and report generation.
You are asked to use cloud compute resources to run this application. However, your existing environment consists of a single AFF A300 HA pair.
In this scenario, which two actions would satisfy the requirements? (Choose two.)
A. Use the NetApp Cloud Sync service.
B. Use the NetApp Cloud Backup Service.
C. Use the NetApp Cloud Volumes Service in AWS.
D. Configure FabricPool on existing aggregates by using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Answer: A,C
You are performing a default deployment using Kubernetes.
In this scenario, where is persistent data stored?
A. on a random worker node
B. on the master node
C. on the worker node with the pod
D. on every worker node
Answer: B
You are installing NetApp Cloud Sync to transfer data from an NFS mount point on-premises to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The NFS directory has 500 directories with approximately 300 files each.
In this scenario, which actions will improve the overall transfer time?
A. Add more than one Cloud Sync data broker.
B. Install the Cloud Sync data broker in AWS EC2.
C. Use the ls command on the root of the source NFS mount point.
D. Change the transfer type from HTTPS to HTTP.
Answer: A
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