New CCDP Certified 300-320 ARCH Exam Questions
Many candidates are searching for the latest 300-320 exam materials to prepare for Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures 300-320 ARCH exam now. Customers who are fimilar with us may know that we have updated Cisco CCDP 300-320 ARCH exam questions on November 13, 2019. It must be the latest study guide currently. And more, I shared 300-320 free questions online for checking. From now on, there are 16 customers have read, and more and more candidates are checking. As one of hot Cisco exams, 300-320 ARCH exam becomes more and more popular. When you searching for valid and latest 300-320 exam questions, we recommend you new CCDP Certified 300-320 ARCH exam questions. We promise, you can pass your 300-320 exam in the first try.
Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP) Certification 300-320 Exam
300-320 ARCH Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures is one of the Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP) Certification. According to the introduction of CCDP, it builds advanced knowledge of the network design concepts and principles required to develop multi-layer enterprise architectures and network components. Cisco CCDP certification is aimed at Senior Network Design Engineers, Principle System Engineer, Network/Solution Architects and CCDA professionals looking to build upon your fundamental Cisco network design expertise the Cisco CCDP certification program focuses on advanced addressing and routing protocols, WANs, services virtualization, and integration strategies for multi-layered Enterprise architectures.
CCDP certification requires you pass three exams as listed:
- 300-101 ROUTE Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)
- 300-115 SWITCH Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH)
- 300-320 ARCH Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH)
Amony these three exams, 300-320 ARCH exam tests your knowledge of the latest development in network design and technologies, including L2 and L3 infrastructures for the enterprise, WAN technologies, data center integration, network security and network services. It will test your exam knowledge and skills as the picture shown:
Not an easy task, that why we recommend you online 300-320 ARCH exam questions. Currently, we not only have new 300-320 dumps questions for good preparation, both 300-101 and 300-115 dumps are also updated to the latest version. In one word, we offer valid online study materials to help you complete your Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP) Certification.
CCDP Certification will be ended on February 24, 2020
We may know Cisco will have a big change soon. Almost all Cisco certifications are updated to new Cisco programs, including CCDP certification. Cisco CCDP certification will update to the Cisco Professional certification. The same, 300-101, 300-115 and 300-320 also will be ended on February 24, 2020. If you have started working toward the current CCDP certification, keep going. We suggest you complete your three exams for CCDP certification before they are ended. In the new program, you'll receive credit for work you’ve already completed. Not only CCDP certification will be ended on February 24, 2020, most other certifications are the same.
New CCDP Certified 300-320 ARCH Exam Questions
Even I have promised that New CCDP Certified 300-320 ARCH Exam Questions are great for passing, but still some candidates do not believe. Here, I would like to share you some 300-320 free questions online, you can check the high quality online:
300-320 Free Questions - Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures
An CSPF router should have a maximum of how many adjacent neighbors?
A. 80
B. 60
C. 100
D. 50
Answer: B
While configuring a QoS policy, analysis of the switching infrastructure indicates that the switches support 1P3Q3T egress queuing.
Which option describes the egress queuing in the infrastructure?
A. The threshold configuration allows for inter-queue QoS by utilizing buffers.
B. The priority queue must contain real-time traffic and network management traffic.
C. The 1P3Q3T indicates one priority queue, three standard queues, and three thresholds.
D. The priority queue should use less than 20% of the total bandwidth.
Answer: C
An engineer is redesigning the infrastructure for a campus environment. The engineer must maximize the use of the links between the core and distribution layers.
By which two methods can this usage be maximized? (Choose two.)
A. Design with multiple unequal-cost links between the core and distribution layers.
B. Design the links between the core and distribution layers to use an IGP.
C. Design with multiple equal-cost links between the core and distribution layers.
D. Design the links between the core and distribution layers to use an HSRP.
E. Design the links between the core and distribution layers to use an RPVSTP+.
Answer: B,C
Which two characteristics of the 802.1X standard are true? (Choose two.)
A. This standard supports only wired LANs.
B. It can package EAP messages in Ethernet frames and not use PPP.
C. It was created by IEEE
D. It was created by IETF
E. Its EAP messages always require underlying PPP protocol
Answer: B,C
An engineer must create this design:
- Restrict certain networks from being advertised to remote branches connected via eBGP.
- Prohibit advertisement of the specific prefix to external peers only.
Which BGP community must be configured to meet these requirements?
A. no-advertise
B. no-export
C. internet
D. gshut
E. local-as
Answer: B
Which design technology allows two Cisco Catalyst chassis to use SSO and NSF to provide nonstop communication even if one of the member chassis fails?
A. peer gateway
C. vPC
D. auto chassis detect
Answer: B
An engineer is designing a redundant dual-homed BGP solution that should prefer one specific carrier under normal conditions. Traffic should automatically fail over to a secondary carrier in case of a failure.
Which two BGP attributes can be used to achieve this goal for inbound traffic?
B. weight
C. origin
D. local preference
Answer: A,E
A large scale IP SLA deployment is causing memory and CPU shortages on the routers in an enterprise network.
Which solution can be implemented to mitigate these issues?
A. a shadow router
B. a CPE device that is managed by the network provider
C. a standby router for failover operation
D. an offline router for disaster recovery
Answer: A
An engineering team must design a firewall solution with shared hardware resources but separation of features such as ACLs, NATs, and management between the external business partners of the organization.
Which ASA deployment mode meets these requirements?
A. clustering mode
B. multicontext mode
C. transparent mode
D. routed mode
Answer: B
A network team is designing a Layer 3 Data Center Interconnect between two data centers. There is a requirement for all links of equal bandwidth be utilized have automatic failover and not use any bundling technology.
Which routing function must be used to achieve this requirement?
A. virtual links
B. virtual private LAN service
C. policy-based routing
D. BGP route reflectors
E. equal cost multipath routing
Answer: E
All these demo questions are the parts of real 300-320 exam questions. New CCDP Certified 300-320 ARCH Exam Questions contain 477 practice exam questions and answers, you need to get full version for full preparation.
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