Passed 3171T exam with Passquestion Avaya APDS 3171T questions and answers
After successfully obtaining the Avaya 3171T certificate, your career will be significantly and positively affected. For example, Avaya 3171T certificate can enrich your resume and broaden your career prospects. However, in order to successfully obtain the Avaya 3171T certificate, the first thing we must consider is: How can we successfully pass the Avaya 3171T exam? At this time, Passquestion Avaya APDS 3171T questions and answers can help us.
We all know that if you can't pass the Avaya 3171T exam in one go, the result must be very bad. Because we will have to study and retake the exam, it will take us a lot of time and effort. With the following Avaya 3171T Examination strategy, you will be able to maximize the pass rate of the Avaya 3171T exam.
About 3171T - APDS Avaya Enterprise Team Engagement Solutions Online Test:
It's important to note that once you start this 3171T Online Test, you must complete the test and you should not easily quit before completing this Online Test. 3171T curriculum test validates your knowledge and mastery of the requirements and considerations for designing Avaya Enterprise Team Engagement Solutions. You should be able to correctly and successfully position Avaya products and solutions to address the customer business issues in The early stages of the sales cycle.
APDS Avaya Enterprise Team Engagement Solutions Online Test (3171T) is a requirement to earn the APDS - Avaya Enterprise Team Engagement Solutions credential. 3171T Online Test contains 60 questions and the minimum passing score is 70% (42/60). Please read the questions Sometimes before answering. Some questions are complex and may need to be read twice in order to be devoted completely and answered correctly.
Prerequisites It is recommended that you complete the courses within the APDS Avaya Enterprise Team Engagement Solutions curriculum mentioned above.
This is the most used 3171T dump at the moment and one of the most well-known 3171T dumps in the industry. Passquestion Avaya 3171T questions and answers is divided into two parts: Avaya 3171t PDF and Avaya 3171t online practice test.For Avaya 3171t learning, Avaya 3171t PDF can be a good guide.At the same time, the Avaya 3171t PDF is one of the essential materials for the development of the Avaya 3171t learning plan.Avaya 3171t online practice test is used to test your own level of learning at any time; it can be used to maximize the passing rate of our exams.
About avaya 3171t sample questions:
A user is more concerned about the new voicemail power failure resolution mechanism, because they have encountered voicemail system is not available. This user network has two sets of PBX, the average distribution of users in two systems.
Users are interested in the function of Avaya Aura Messaging (AAM).
From a design point of view, which Avaya Aura Messaging (AAM) deployment architecture can better meet the needs of users to avoid failure?
A. Each branch's PBX connected to the same application server and the same centralized storage server
B. Each branch is a cluster of two application servers, and then connected to the same centralized storage server
C. The same site deploy a cluster of two application servers and a centralized storage server
D. Each branch of an application server connected to the storage server cluster
Answer: B
You recommend a single server version Avaya Aura Messaging (AAM) solution to customers, the customers want to know what to do if it had exceeded the system capacity limit or if it would like to decide to deploy Unified Messaging in the future.
You tell the user can migrate the user license of a single server version to multi-server version of the AAM, then how should deal with the existing hardware server?
A. Cannot be used again
B. Can be used for application servers or storage servers
C. Can be used as a single server version of the backup
D. Can be used as a one-x Speech server
Answer: B
Avaya Aura Messaging (AAM) 6.3 Deployment only allows the Exchange as the storage destination for the AAM system. In view of this deployment, which description is correct? (Please Select Three)
A. AxC connector can also be application roles on the server
B. AxC connector must be running on a standalone server
C. Occupy at least one server
D. Occupy at least two servers
E. AxC connector is responsible for distributing the message
F. AxC connector can also be information storage roles on the server
Answer: ACE
Your customers believe that when employees are telecommuting, getting their status information can improve productivity. Their current communication system is provided by several suppliers. Assuming you are preparing for the next meeting, you have carefully studied Avaya Aura Presence Services.
Which of the following is correct description of Presence Services? (Please Select Two)
A. In this solution, Avaya Aura System Manager is required to configure the state system.
B. Avaya Communicator for Android cannot use state services in Avaya Aura System Manager 7.0
C. SIP users of CM can use the instant messaging and status service functions, but the users of CM H.323 cannot
D. Presence Services release 7.0 is compatible with Microsoft OCS/Lync
Answer: AD
With the popularity of computers, many users have shifted from mobile-centric to more computer-centric. In response to this change, Avaya has a soft client. But it is not just a computer-based soft terminal, more attention to collaboration and display a variety of information. In addition to providing intelligent online status information, what function the Presence Services can provide also?
A. Visual messaging
B. Synchronized call logs
C. Instant messaging
D. Unified contacts
Answer: C
All of the above questions will appear in the latest avaya 3171t exam, as well as in the latest Passquestion Avaya 3171T questions and answers, so you don't have to be too afraid of the exam. As long as you have enough professional knowledge and ability, with the help of Passquestion Avaya 3171T questions and answers, you will definitely pass the exam.
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