Perfect CoreSpringV3.2 Questions To Pass Core-Spring (based on Spring 3.2) Exam
You may have heard of CoreSpringV3.2 Core-Spring (based on Spring 3.2) certification exam. To help you complete your SpringSoource CoreSpringV3.2 exam, we have released new CoreSpringV3.2 exam questions online. We can be sure that CoreSpringV3.2 exam questions are perfect, which could be your best study materials to pass Core-Spring (based on Spring 3.2) certification exam in the first attempt. Currently, we provide CoreSpringV3.2 study guide with 97 practice questions and answers. You need to get the full CoreSpringV3.2 exam questions and answers to make sure you can prepare for Core-Spring (based on Spring 3.2) well.
CoreSpringV3.2 exam issued by SpringSource, which was transferred to Pivotal Software in 2013
First, we need to make sure CoreSpringV3.2 Core-Spring (based on Spring 3.2) certification exam is issued by SpringSource. SpringSource, now we call Spring, was the company created by the founders of the Spring Framework (a programming model for enterprise Java applications) to support and develop Spring and related projects. In August 2009, Spring was purchased for $420m by VMware, where it was maintained for some time as a separate division within VMware. In 2013, VMware and its parent company EMC Corporation, formally created a joint venture (with GE) called Pivotal Software. All of VMware's application-oriented products, including Spring were transferred to this organization.
Completed CoreSpringV3.2 Exam To Take the proctored Spring Professional Certification exam
Spring Professional Certification exam is designed to test and validate your understanding of and familiarity with core aspects of Spring such as:
- Container basics
- Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
- Data access and transactions
- Spring model-view-controller (MVC)
It requires to complete Core Spring course to take the proctored Spring Professional Certification exam. CoreSpringV3.2 Core-Spring (based on Spring 3.2) questions are the great materials for your learning.
Perfect CoreSpringV3.2 Questions To Pass Core-Spring (based on Spring 3.2) Exam
To complete Core Sring course is not an easy task. It offers hands-on experience with Spring and its major features, including configuration, data access, web and REST applications, Spring Boot, Spring Security and using Spring Cloud to build a small microservices application. To help you master the skills, CoreSpringV3.2 Questions are based on the foundation for creating enterprise-ready applications, and we offer the great study materials for preparation.
Read CoreSpringV3.2 Free Questions Online
Identify which statement indicates potential advantages of using Spring's Dependency Injection (select one)
A. Dependencies between application components can be managed external to the components themselves
B. Configuration can be externalized and centralized in a small set of files
C. Integration testing is made easier because different components used for testing can easily be injected
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Which of the following statements about the @PostConstruct annotation is NOT true? (select one)
A. It is a JSR-250 standard Java annotation
B. There are no restrictions on method name or visibility of a method which can be annotated with @PostConstruct
C. It can be enabled using the <context:annotation-config /> tag
D. It is called before setter injection
Answer: D
Using Spring AOP, which of the following Spring annotations cause behavior to be added (select one)
A. @Secured
B. @Transactional
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a or b
Answer: C
Two beans of type MyBean are defined in the ApplicationContext with singleton scope, with ids "myBean1" and "myBean2". The getBean() method is called once for each bean.
Which statement is true about the two references returned? (Select one)
A. The two references refer to different instances of the same type
B. Both references refer to the same bean instance
C. One of the references will be null
D. A RuntimeException will be thrown when the ApplicationContext is initialized
Answer: A
What is the primary purpose of bean definition inheritance? (Select one or several answers)
A. To configure Java class inheritance dynamically within the XML bean definition file
B. To reduce the amount of configuration required by inheriting properties from other bean definitions
C. To allow Spring beans to be created on the fly from classes declared as abstract
D. To simplify configuration by allowing multiple properties files to be loaded in a hierarchy to specify bean properties
Answer: B
What is true regarding bean definition inheritance?
A. Parent bean definitions should always be abstract
B. Parent bean definitions may be abstract
C. The class attribute can be declared in a parent bean definition
D. It is not useful to declare an id for a parent bean definition
Answer: B,C
Which of the following statements about the @Autowired annotation is NOT true? (select one)
A. The default behavior is that if a dependency cannot be satisfied with @Autowired, the ApplicationContext will throw a RuntimeException
B. @Autowired is a Spring-specific annotation
C. Multiple arguments can be injected into a single method using @Autowired
D. It cannot be used to annotate fields, only constructors and methods
Answer: D
Which of the following statements about use of the @Transactional annotation in a JUnit integration test is NOT true? (Select one)
A. Annotating a test with @Transactional will cause the test method to run in a transaction
B. Annotating a test class with @Transactional will cause all its test methods to run in transactions
C. Application code that runs in a transaction with REQUIRES_NEW propagation can have those changes rolled back by an @Transactional test
Answer: C
Which of the following statements best describes the benefits of using the Spring Framework with respect to unit testing? (Select one)
A. Your Java code typically has dependencies on Spring Framework classes which are designed to make the job of unit testing easier
B. The Spring Framework encourages you to program to interfaces which makes it easier to stub or mock out dependencies in your code
C. The extensive runtime checks performed by the ApplicationContext when it initializes make traditional unit testing less important
D. All of the above
Answer: B
Which of the following statements about Spring and unit testing is true? (Select one)
A. Spring provides an internal mock framework so there is no need for a third-party mock framework such as Mockito or EasyMock
B. Spring provides an abstraction to existing Mock frameworks
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a or b
Answer: D
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