Scored High With PassQuestion DEA-64T1 Exam Questions - Newly Updated In 2020
Today, we got the latest reviews of DEA-64T1 Associate - Converged Systems and Hybrid Cloud Exam, one of our customers have passed his DELL EMC DEA-64T1 exam with high scores after learning all Q&As in DEA-64T1 Exam Questions. DEA-64T1 Exam Questions from PassQuestions were newly updated in February of 2020, which contain 125 practice questions and answers. We can trust that PassQuestion DEA-64T1 exam questions are quite valid for 100% passing. Successfully obtaining real DEA-64T1 exam questions from PassQuestion is the key way to pass Associate - Converged Systems and Hybrid Cloud Exam.
DEA-64T1 Exam Is One OF DELL EMC Associate Level Exams
DEA-64T1 exam is for Associate – Converged Systems and Hybrid Cloud (DECA) track, which is mainly designed for people in both technical and non-technical roles and focuses on Dell EMC’s Converged Systems, Cloud Computing and Cloud Native applications and how they can be used to accelerate Digital and IT transformation. You can find that DEA-64T1 is one of DELL EMC Associate level exams. Candidates, who passed DEA-64T1 exam successfully, will be able to articulate Digital and IT transformation activities, and how Dell EMC plays a part in those activities.
Now we know that DEA-64T1 exam is for Associate – Converged Systems and Hybrid Cloud Version 2.0 certification. Getting Associate – Converged Systems and Hybrid Cloud Version 2.0 certification validates the candidate's understanding of Digital and IT Transformation, and how Dell EMC Converged Systems can be used to accelerate the transformation process.
Additionally, Associate – Converged Systems and Hybrid Cloud Version 2.0 certification will qualify towards all the below-mentioned Specialist level certifications in the Dell EMC Proven Professional program:
• Specialist – Implementation Engineer, VxBlock Version 2.0
• Specialist – Implementation Engineer, VxRail Appliance Version 1.0
• Specialist – Systems Administrator, VxBlock Version 2.0
• Specialist – Systems Administrator, VxFlex Integrated Rack Version 1.0
• Specialist – Systems Administrator, VxRack System SDDC Version 1.0
• Specialist – Systems Administrator, VxRail Appliance Version 1.0
DEA-64T1 Exam Mainly Tests Five Sections OF Exam Topics
DEA-64T1 real exam contains 60 questions, which need to be answered in 90 minutes. It mainly tests five secitons of exam topics as listed:
Digital Transformation (17%)
• Describe Digital Transformation and why a business should embrace it
• Describe Workforce Transformation and how it is related to a Digital Transformation
• Describe Security Transformation and how it is related to a Digital Transformation
• Describe IT Transformation and how it is related to a Digital Transformation
Converged Infrastructure (17%)
• Describe and diagram Converged Infrastructure solutions
• Describe the Dell EMC VxBlock solution and it components
• Identify use cases for adopting Dell EMC CI solutions to support IT Transformation
Hyper-converged Infrastructure (35%)
• Describe and diagram Hyper-converged Infrastructure solutions
• Describe the Dell EMC VxRail solution and it components
• Describe the Dell EMC VxRack SDDC solution and it components
• Describe the Dell EMC VxRack FLEX solution and it components
• Describe the Dell EMC XC Series solution and it components
• Identify use cases for adopting Dell EMC HCI solutions to support IT Transformation
Cloud Computing (18%)
• Describe the concept of Cloud Computing and related terms
• Describe and diagram Hybrid Cloud solutions
• Describe the Dell EMC VxRack AS (Azure Stack) solution and it components
• Identify use cases for adopting Hybrid Cloud solutions to support an IT Transformation
Cloud Native Application Development (13%)
• Describe Cloud Native Application Development and its benefits
• Describe the purpose and components of the Pivotal Ready Reference Architecture solution
• Identify the use cases for adopting cloud native application developmentfor IT Transformation
Based on the exam topics, we collected the real and valid DEA-64T1 exam questions. Pass your DEA-64T1 Associate - Converged Systems and Hybrid Cloud Exam with PassQuestion valid DEA-64T1 Questions and Answers, and you will score high.
PassQuestion DEA-64T1 Exam Questions Are Real And Valid
We promist PassQuestion DEA-64T1 exam questions are real and valid, but how to make sure? Let me share DEA-64T1 free questions online for your checking:
Which Dell EMC product provides storage management and visibility to multi-vendor storage arrays in virtualized and cloud environments?
A. VMware SRM
B. ViPR Controller
D. VMware Storage vMotion
Answer: C
What actions together let organizations shift from “keeping the lights on” to revenue-generating activities?
A. Transforming and Automating
B. Strategizing and Modernizing
C. Modernizing and Automating
D. Transforming and Strategizing
Answer: A
Which product provides storage for a VxBlock?
B. Cisco UCS
C. Cisco Nexus
D. VMware vSphere
Answer: A
An organization wants to jumpstart their path to Digital Transformation through IT Transformation.
What are the three activities included in IT Transformation?
A. Modernize, Capitalize, and Organize
B. Automate, Virtualize, and Transform
C. Transform, Automate, and Modernize
D. Digitize, Automate, and Transform
Answer: C
What is the most common obstacle businesses encounter as they pursue Digital Transformation?
A. Lack of budget and resources
B. Data privacy and security concerns
C. Lack of executive support
D. Inadequate expertise and skills
Answer: C
A systems administrator is deploying a new Dell EMC Hyper-Converged Infrastructure appliance. The appliance is ideally suited for remote office and back office operations (ROBO).
Which VxRail appliance model is it?
A. P Series
B. G Series
C. E Series
D. V Series
Answer: C
VxBlock systems require what type of storage?
A. Block level storage only
B. File and block level storage
C. File level storage only
D. Flash storage
Answer: D
Which security concept focuses on minimizing the number of security breach points on the platform?
A. Vulnerability Management
B. Security Event Management
C. Threat Management
D. Identity Access Management
Answer: D
Which Dell EMC Hyper-Converged Infrastructure solution includes the functionality to expand on demand to public cloud storage?
A. VxRail
B. VxRack FLEX
C. VxBlock
D. VxRack SDDC
Answer: A
What is typically deployed using an IaaS environment?
A. Traditional and cloud-native services
B. Cloud-native services and middleware
C. Middleware and microservices
D. Middleware and traditional applications
Answer: A
- TOP 50 Exam Questions
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