Splunk ITSI Certified Admin SPLK-3002 Practice Test Questions
Are you appearing for SPLK-3002 Splunk IT Service Intelligence Certified Admin Exam? PassQuestion provides the best-designed quality Splunk ITSI Certified Admin SPLK-3002 Practice Test Questions that can help you to achieve Splunk IT Service Intelligence Certified Admin with good grades. If you are using our detailed Splunk ITSI Certified Admin SPLK-3002 Practice Test Questions, then it will help you improve your preparation level. Moreover, you can will be able to clear your concepts about the subject with the help of these files. It is highly recommended to go through all of our Splunk ITSI Certified Admin SPLK-3002 Practice Test Questions so you can achieve the best results and clear the Splunk IT Service Intelligence Certified Admin exam on the first attempt.
Splunk IT Service Intelligence Certified Admin (SPLK-3002)
The Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) Certified Admin exam is the final step towards completion of the Splunk ITSI Certified Admin certification. This app-specific certification exam is a 57-minute, 53-question assessment which evaluates a candidate's knowledge and skills of the installation and configuration of Splunk's app for IT Service Intelligence (ITSI). Candidates can expect an additional 3 minutes to review the exam agreement, for a total seat time of 60 minutes.
Candidates for the Splunk IT Service Intelligence Certified Admin exam are also expected to having working knowledge and experience as either Splunk Cloud or Splunk Enterprise Administrators.
Exam Content
The following content areas are general guidelines for the content to be included on the exam:
ITSI architecture and deployment
Installing ITSI
Designing Services - discovery and best practices
Implementing services and entities
Configuring correlation searches and multi KPI alerts
Managing aggregation policies and anomaly detection
Troubleshooting and maintenance
Exam Objectives
1.0 Introducing ITSI 5%
2.0 Glass Tables 5%
3.0 Managing Notable Events 10%
4.0 Investigating Issues with Deep Dives 10%
5.0 Installing and Configuring ITSI 10%
6.0 Designing Services 5%
7.0 Data Audit and Base Searches 5%
8.0 Implementing Services 5%
9.0 Thresholds and Time Policies 5%
10.0 Entities and Modules 5%
11.0 Templates and Dependencies 5%
12.0 Anomaly Detection 5%
13.0 Correlation and Multi KPI Searches 5%
14.0 Aggregation Policies 5%
15.0 Access Control 5%
16.0 Troubleshooting ITSI 10%
View Online Splunk IT Service Intelligence Certified Admin SPLK-3002 Free Questions
Which of the following is a valid type of Multi-KPI Alert?
A.Score over composite.
B.Value over time.
C.Status over time.
D.Rise over run.
Answer : C
When must a service define entity rules?
A.If the intention is for the KPIs in the service to filter to only entities assigned to the service.
B.To enable entity cohesion anomaly detection.
C.If some or all of the KPIs in the service will be split by entity.
D.If the intention is for the KPIs in the service to have different aggregate vs. entity KPI values.
Answer : A
When in maintenance mode, which of the following is accurate?
A.Once the window is over, KPIs and notable events will begin to be generated again.
B.KPIs are shown in blue while in maintenance mode.
C.Maintenance mode slots are scheduled on a per hour basis.
D.Service health scores and KPI events are deleted until the window is over.
Answer : A
Which of the following items describe ITSI Backup and Restore functionality? (Choose all that apply.)
A.A pre-configured default ITSI backup job is provided that can be modified, but not deleted.
B.ITSI backup is inclusive of KV Store, ITSI Configurations, and index dependencies.
C.kvstore_to_json.py can be used in scripts or command line to backup ITSI for full or partial backups.
D.ITSI backups are stored as a collection of JSON formatted files.
Answer : C, D
When installing ITSI to support a Distributed Search Architecture, which of the following items apply? (Choose all that apply.)
A.Copy SA-IndexCreation to all indexers.
B.Copy SA-IndexCreation to the etc/apps directory on the index cluster master node.
C.Extract installer package into etc/apps directory of the cluster deployer node.
D.Extract ITSI app package into etc/apps directory of search head.
Answer : A
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